OK, I've been staring at this screen for over 10 mins now trying to organize my thoughts. I give up & finally decide to rant!!
To attend a training session when u have loads of documention work assigned is the worst nightmare.I personally feel training is essentially a congregation of jobless and temporarily out-of-work people getting together in an effort to squeeze the last remaining juices out of their decomposing brains. These people can actually go out bowling, or go and get drunk, or go home and lie on their bed watching TV and munching chips and still get their monthly salaries. But instead you'll find them all in the ice-cold conference room, one guy sleeping, another biting his nails-lost in some other dimension, and another fiddling with his pen or sms'ing the person on the other side of the table. In between all this excitement, the leader of the pack will be going on with his talk, muchly satisfied that his life finally has a purpose.
Whenever my manager asks me to "Prepare a document" for the work I've done, my whole world crashes around me. I think writing a document is equal to bonded labour. I'm quite convinced that each time a manager asks his subordinate to prepare a "document", he's thinking, "Suffer, suffer you nasty little prick.. The manager derives the same kind of sadistic pleasure a twisted serial killer derives out of his sins .
Well I seem to have an issue with everything around me,guess that how I am or its a manufacuring defect or rather on an optimistic note issues keep me entertained!!