This year I started my planning since 7th Feb when I came up with this poem as I was waiting for my FIL to pick me up.
Post a lot of brain squeezing I decided to do 2 things for the special day to give my hubby a big surprise.
1)Courier a greeting Card with my poem on it + a memorable gift to my hubby's office address.
2)Decorate our room with candles & rose petals
This was the 1st time that I had ever planned & was hoping to execute successfully..till my hubby's very good friend Vijay turned up from nowhere to gets me on my nerves even to this day.
My friends & I decided to spend our 8th Feb evening at Brew-Ha-Ha-Ha which is at Koramanagala, quite close to Forum & my hubby's office.I had the idea of getting San's & my pic on a coffee mug hence borrowed San's pen drive to copy some of our pics to it.Me being extermely lazy left San with absoulutely no clue of what I was upto.
However my BIL suggested me about the getting it done on a crystal frame he even took the pain of walking to Forum from his company just to ensure that there is a stall in Forum where they get the photo printed on a crystal frame.Hence on our way to Brew-Ha-Ha-Ha placed the order for our photo & chose an unique crystal frame which was the only model available.The guy said it would take 24hrs for our photo to be printed on the crystal & hence I could collect it the next day.But the next day being a Saturday I decided to collect it on Monday as I didnt wanted my hubby to get the slightest hint of my surprise to him.
Was back to work on Monday morning with all curiosity to sneak out wih my friend to Forum during lunch & to collect the gift.
My friend & I just boared the rick while San called me and said "Shubu I really love you & thanks a lot for the valentine's gift".I was totally dumbstruck & was fuming assuming the shopkeeper had placed my gift for display & it caught my hubby's eyes.Since I was really upset & didnt wanted San to know that I was on my way to Forum to collect it ,I pretended to be in the cafeteria & promised to call him back once Im back to my workstation.Once we reached Forum I was all set to blast the shopkeeper for being the culprit, little did I expect that it was my hubby's friend Vijay who was the actual he-devil.Having realised I was upset with my gift being revealed to the person to whom it was supposed to be surprise,my hubby kept calling me constantly to console me & finally narrated to me as to what exactly had happened.
San received a call from Vijay saying "Man I know what you are gonna gift your wife this valentine,I saw your pic in forum".San being all shocked trying to clarify what Vijay uttered , walked upto Forum & enquiring about this crystal frame & finally found my gift.
The funniest part was San arguging with the shopkeeper to buy it for which Ive already paid !!!
His silly friend had assumed that it was San's gift to me.
This turned me off bigtime wondering how could he just not think the otherway round or atleast asked San in a clever way like "What have you decided to gift your wife this valentine".Well I guess some guys really have very little ridges & grooves on their brain to think before they speak.
Hence one of my plans got screwed up royally!!Thank to Vijay again!! Here is the crystal frame

Oh yeahh this guy did apologise several times to San & suggested a silly idea to make up for it by asking San to take me for the Thrusday night premier of Jodha Akbar..I was least interested in this option while I still had my other plans to keep my Valentine's day live & kicking.
Fortunately I had no other he/she devils hampering my remaining plans & everything else went in a more than perfect way.For which I thank my MIL to the core who walked up every shop with me hunting for candles & a basket of roses.Above all she even helped me by preventing San from entering our room once I had done with the decorations.she was extermely cute in keeping a watch on San's every movement to ensure that atleast this suprise of mine goes well.
San was really thrilled & extremely happy for the way I had lit the room with just candle lights & rose petals all over. This is what I did

He even woke up my FIL who was in the middle of his sleep to have a look at our room & to appreciate my was a little embarassing for me though.However my surprise to San didnt end here ,the elephant-size greeting card which had my poem written on it reached his office the next day adding a bigger smile on my San.
After all I always beleived in being happy by making people around me happy.
As we returned home that evening I was very contended that my other plans worked out well making our day most memorable.
But just to complete the evening San gave me a bigger surprise & took my breathe away.He had bought me a real cub sized Simbha soft toy.It was as big as a calf with an extermely cute face & tail.No other gift would have made me happier than this soft toy.Here is Simbha

Our room already has almost all the animals of a jungle & Simbha had to complete the picture.
Apart from this our car had a weird smell that evening ,a smell which I loved the most but was unable to recollect.Post a couple of guesses I finally gave up & decided to pounce & open up the was chicken pizza & chicken wings YUMMYYYYY..I can eat any number of chicken pizzas & chicken wings at any point of time either day or midnight or evening anytime name it Im all set to hog them.I was more than thrilled & surprised & happy at San's thoughfulness to do something so unpredictable.Least did I expect a surprise like this from a person like san who is so known for his maturity & practicality.
San always exhibited his own style of doing things which always took my feet off the ground!!!