Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mixed Feelings

Feeling weird,happy,sad,hopeful,confused all at the same time.Its time for me to move on from my current employer to another phase of my life.Priorities change as you mature and so does your job.It was around the sametime last year I was wondering if I had made the right decision with my choice of employer but I realise that it was a great place to work for.On the professional front I have definately improved a lot on my domain and technical abilities and on the personal I have gained quite a few friends and my encounter with them is something that Im going to cherish for a very long time.
The hectic sprints,long work hours,working on weekends,healthy arguments with peers,war rooms,planning meetings... all seems be a wonderful experience in my stint here.2010 seems to be offering me new challenges right from the very begining of the year I just hope and pray that Im able to handle every oppoutunity I take with a pinch of salt and handle them successfully.I would be getting back home tomorrow leaving behind my laptop,access card,Id card...
Im going to be a housewife for the next couple of days before I actually step out into another new world waiting to offer me its own good and bad.