Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Walk down Memory Lane

Tagged by Raji :)

What is the oldest / first memory you carry of:

Of your Mother: I have this very old picture of my mother where she is around 2yrs old.She looks extremely cute with her curly locks & a sleevless frock.I remember looking at her picture every morning scan every cell of her face on the picture & ask her why dont I look as beautiful as she is.She would smile back & answer me saying when I grow up & when I have a
daughter she would also ask the same question to me because for every daughter her mother is the most beautiful person on earth.

Of Crying:I guess was in my 2nd std or so & my brother was in 4th std.We studied in the same school.One evening after dinner my bro & I had a fight & I landed up giving my brother a deep cut near his eye.We were so scared that my brother covered his eye with his hand & we pretended to sleep.But having to bear an unbearbale pain he called out to my mom who was serving dinner to my dad.She saw my brother bleeding & called my dad who was shocked seeing blood all over his face n his eyes.My dad asked what happened & I confessed that I hurt him.My dad came close towards me to give me a hard wack where my brother with blood all over his face n palm came running towards my dad,held his hand said it was not her mistake but I triggered her.My parents then took him to the hostipal where his eye was bandaged completely & doctor had mentioned that my brother's eye was saved by just 3mm.when they came back from the clinic I was almost dead with guilt but just couldnot convey how miserable I felt.I cried a lot that entire night & I realised how much we loved each other inspite of all our silly fights.The next day to I went to school with a heavy heart & met my brother along with one of my friend during lunch break.When she asked him what happened to his eye,he lied saying he fell off the cot & hurt himself.He told a LIE, which I least expected as I thought he never loved me and was always jealous of me as I was better than him in academics. It was that moment I realised
me how much I meant to him.Broke down hugged him & cried a lot while my friend wondered why I ever got so emotional & that too in school.That was the day in my life I realised what sort of unwise actions & words we choose when we get angry & lose our temper.The
scar is yet visible on my brother's face & everytime I see the guilt kills me :`(

Of your Father: I was in my 3rd std when my grandfather(mom's father) expired.I had my final exams so I had to stay back with my dad n granny(father's mom).My mom had her own style of making us revise a day before our exams which my dad was not aware of.He spent all evening preparing me for my History paper the next day .It was a night when I missed everything about my mom like she telling me a bedtime story,putting me to sleep,polishing my shoes,combing my hair,feeding me n stuff.I asked my dad to take me to my grandfather's place to meet my mom,to which he refused saying you've got exams tomorrow so you better study.He also said that if i did well in tomorrow's history paper,he will take me immediately after the exam.To which I threatened my dad saying you dont take me to see mom now I will write all wrong answers in tomorrow "Fill in the Blank" section of the history paper.My dad knew I was capable enough to do so he asked me to get ready & I wore one of my most favourite jeans skirt & white shirt in which my mom adored me alot & we left to meet my mom.I met my mom gave her a big hug & narrated to her all that happened at school & at home with my dad.Finally I scored 100 in history ,thanks to my dad!!

Of School:My brother & I studied in the same Kindergarten.His classroom was just adjacent to mine.My cousin brother & my brother were classmates n benchmates too.Anytime my teacher would turn her back towards us to write something on the blackboard.I would run out of my class & get in to my brother's classroom & sit in between him & my cousin.My brother &
cousin would actually hide me from the teacher by asking me bend down under the table.We three would drink the fruit juice & eat the cream biscuits & chips that our moms' would pack for us.When my teacher would realise that Im missing she would come to my brother's class carry me in her arms with my head on her shoulders & would take me away.I would wave bye to my brother & cousin and say dont tell this to mom...lets meet again..But once I reach home the moment I would look at my mom would say it all & would get to hear a long advice..

Of a Fight: Ever since the incident that I narrated earlier about hurting my brother close to his eye I never fought with anyone.If ever I do its just verbal & hardly lasts for a few minutes & I compose myself & calm down.

Of a Lie you told:My parents brought me up saying telling a lie was the most sinful deed on earth.Hence I would never lie.I would either confess my mistake & ask for an apology or remain quiet.The 1st time I ever lied was when I was in my 3rd sem Engineering when I went out for shopping with my friend & her mom to buy a saree for my mom & a shirt for my dad.It was a
surprise gift that I wanted to give my parents for their wedding anniversary. I lied to my mom saying I would need to use up my pocket money to buy some salwars for myself at Malleshwaram where my friend was put up.I then returned back home with a
cotton saree & a shirt material for my dad.

Of a Vacation:As a child I hated travelling by any diesel vechiles as I would puke my guts out.My grandparents along with my uncles,aunts & cousins had planned for a trip to Pearl Valley at Anekal district.Right from when I boarded the bus till we reached home I puked so much that I had felt even the cerelac & my mother's milk that I had during my babyhood was all
out.Hence we hardly went out for any vacations that involved bus or a taxis.

Of Laughing:I studided Kannada for about 3yrs in school.Hence I was comfortable with the language only to the extent of reading the route number of the buses.My 1st day at my PU college a lecturer cracked a joke in Kannada & the entire class burst out laughing loud.Later my friend explained to me & I laughed out alone & the entire class wondered what took me so
long to understand a simple joke.It was embarassing for me though!!

Of a Class Mate:I was in 1st std & I joined school about 1 week after the others had joined.My 1st day at school I was asked to introduce myself.Post my introduction everyone kept staring at me & it was just one boy an Anglo-Indian named John who clapped for me & then the others followed.My teacher asked me to sit next to him.He was the shortest of the boys & I was
shortest of the girls.So we stood beside each other heading the girls & boys row respectively during our school assembly.He would join me and my brother for lunch & would fudge all answers from me during any class test.I would go home & complain to my mom every evening how badly he stinked when we were back from our PT class.

Of a Relative:My grandmom(mother's mom).She was an epitome of patience & perfection.She would fall sick quite often when I was young & many a times we would have to call a doctor home to give her some injections.Everytime the doctor would go near her to give her an injection i would hide my face behind any of my mamas'.Once the doctor would leave I would climb on top of the bed sit very close to my granny to see a drop of tear at the corner of her eye.I would wipe that tear off her eyes & I would say Paati one day I will become a doctor & give will you injection that will not have any needle & it will not give you any pain.She would smile back & pull me close to her chest & would pat me to sleep.

Of a Teacher:My nursery school teacher whose name is also Subashini.She used to ride a 2 wheeler & carried herself really well in her cotton sarees that she draped.Every afternoon when I return home I would tell my mom the colour saree she had draped & how she appreciated me or how she scolded me.I always imagined her taking me on her 2 wheeler making me sit behind
her & me struggling to reach my leg down to foot-rest.

Of your brother/sister:When my brother was a kid,he was extremely naughty & loved experimenting with electronic gadgets or stripping any toys given to him & assemble them back.Hence my parents always avoided giving him any new gadgets or toys to
play or have a watch on him whenever they give such stuff.So I would ask my parents to give me those gadgets to play & run to my brother ,give to him & ask him to play because it was very sad to see him deprived of playing such stuff which he loved to.

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