As Im at my new job now doing up some reading while the major part of my brain is planning the menu for the evening that San & I are going to spend..I cant beleive that in a few more hours we all would be in 2009.Wow..really exciting time files faster than anything in this world...Here is a glimpse my 2008
1)Learnt to Drive got a DL too :)
2)Got a new job
3)Travelled out of India on a vacation..
4)Refused an onsite oppoutunity with no regrets
5)Learnt to drape a saree
6)Managed not to increase my weight :)...neither decrease :(
7)cleaned up my wardrobe 2 BIG times
8)Learnt to some extent..can manage even if my MIL is not around..
9)Bought more watches than clothes
10)Learnt to pay Literature..I owe this one to Praveen & Raji ;)
11)Saw more movies in the theater than at home
12)For the first time did road side-shopping at Malleshwaram,ate pizza for Rs.10
13)Fought terribly with a collegue..
14)Managed to keep my husband's temper cool even in his worst turn-off moments..
15)Accidentially dropped my cellphone in the thailand beach on our wedding anniversary:(
16)Trimmed my hair more no. of times than my nails.
17)Added more soft toys to our room.
18)Have gotten San to see more tamil movies than any other language
19)Met my close friend's daughter
20)Adviced my ex-mentor on the importance of living with in-laws..
21)Been to an orphanage & an oldage home..
22)Taught my maid's kids
23)Crashed the desktop at home..yeah yeahh the 64bit - Vista one..
24)Made new friends
25)Visited my dentist for filling
This is all I can recollect for now....I just hope 2009 is more peaceful & exciting to all of us..
wishing you all a very happy & prosperous 2009 :)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Twenty Guidelines for a happy married life
Below are some guidelines & lessons that I have practised & learnt out of my 1 year of married life..With the number of differences my husband & I own & living in a closely knit famly I wonder who has done the most compromises..The truth is that neither of us compromised on anything..We accepted each other , our goodness & our shortcomings & found that life is more beautiful than we expected it to be ..and life gets more & more beautiful with each new day & night...
No 1. It is better to remain quiet at times than to use unwise choice of words.
Im sure we all wished if life had a rewind button,we could go back in time..correct things & get back.unfortunately technology is yet to improve to that extent. The only way to solve this problem is to keep our big fat mouth shut & let things solve by itself or to open up when the heat has reduced.
No 2. Set your priorities right.
It is a blunt truth but we have to accept it.Once married your first priority & also your first point of contact for everything becomes your spouse.Your entire life revolves with the only goal of keeping him/her happy.Happiness is not about being happy its about making others happy is very apt atleast when it comes to your spouse.
But when situation demands you might have to juggle within your list of priorities but even then at the end of it make sure your spouse is happy with whatever you have decided.
No 3. Maintain your uniqueness.
Every individual is unique in their own way.We first need to identify,appreciate & celebrate our own uniqueness.Be proud of what you are.You may not be the best in everything but you will definitely be unique in certain aspects.Dont not give up your uniqueness.Command respect from it.
No 4. Learn to say NO .
This is a very tough one I agree,but if you can implement it life gets easier.You don’t have to get involved in unnecessary complications with just use the 1 simple 2 letter word . What matters the most here is the way you put it may use a trillion sentences to convey the message or just the 1 word but make sure the message is conveyed to the right person at the right time & at the right scenario.
No 5. Your family comes first.
However good,caring,helpful blah blue may be the people around you..always remember that your family comes first.Please your family before your please others.At the end of the day its your family who will care for you more than the others.If you have an issue it’s a topic to gossip for others but a true problem for your family.Hence whatever said & done your family is of utmost importance & value to you than any other.Its good to be selfish atleast when it comes to your family.Its a bitter truth which is accepted & followed by many but behind closed doors.
No 6.Accept people the way they are.
There is nothing in the world as a IDEAL.Everyone have their own shortcomings.We must learn to help people overcome their shortcomings & take things with a pinch of salt.Life is a less complicated when you begin to accept than to compromise.
No 7.Change is good ,provided its for a good cause.
Change is inevitable .If a change in you is going to bring about goodness in and around you then you jolly well change than looking for reasons.
No 8.You cannot please everyone around you.
There are no two people in this world who have the similar likes & dislikes.Hence you need not satisfy everyone around you.If there is something well within your means ..go ahead..else it is just not worth it.Instead please yourself & your spouse.
No 9.Give the devil its due.
Everyone has a certain tolerance level.If things go beyond it no human can bear it.This is when your spouse needs to understand it & stand by you.
No 10.Respect others views.
As much as you would expect one to respect your views you need to understand & respect theirs.You don’t have to impose yours on them nor should they impose theirs on you.Everyone has the right to express what they feel ,it is very subjective to an individual & no one has any right to moderate it.
No 11.Stay in touch.
The only force that binds people to keep in touch is gratitude.True that certain oppourtunitists get in touch with you only at times of need but time will speak one day for such people who would actually regret.
No 12 .Try not to overdo things.
This is a very useful lesson & the I owe this to my good old fren Pranky.Often newly wedded brides or groom overdo certain deeds to please their in laws but as time flies it gets too stressful for them to live upto that expectation .This is when the rift slowly begins finally landing you & your spouse with bitter feelings for the rest of your life.
No 13 .Speak up if there is displeasure
If there is something which is not very pleasant to either your ears or eyes ,it would best to make your spouse aware of it at the right time.It makes no sense keeping it within yourself & brooding which eventually will develop into a burst of anger causing a bitter feeling between you & your spouse.Here your spouse needs to trust you because you obviously cant capture things in a video & produce as an evidence like in the movies.
No 14.Respect ones privacy & space
If a person does not wish to disclose something it means they don’t want to its as simple as that.Let them live that way ,don’t try to dominate or pressure them to spill out…its totally unethical.
No 15.Avoid talking ill of one behind their back.
It is totally unpractical for anyone to like / love everyone.There may be few people who may not fit in your kind of tempo or you do not feel the positive vibes when that person is around, but that does not mean you go around talking ill about them or backbite or mock at them in their absence or hate them.It is better to avoid such people & discussions about them with just a smile.
No 16.Avoid discussing your family problems with anyone outside the family.
Most issues occur in a family when people discuss their problems with everyone under the sun except for the one around whom the issues reolves.Once married any issue that arises should be discussed & sorted out between them than running around for help/advice from their respective parents & friends. People can only give you suggestions but its you who is going to bear the consequences so it is best to discuss the problem amongst themselves & make sure no family issues go out of the 4 walls.As mentioned ealier an issue is a topic of gossip for everyone but it’s a true problem only for the family members.
No 17.Maintain your identity
You are what you are.You don’t have to be someone else to please another.Just be yourself & life would be more than just perfect.
No 18.Call a spade a spade
Sometimes the way you convey things matters but at the sametime beating around the bush just complicates matters.Its better to be upfrount,staright & frank in calling a spade a spade.The magnitude or the intensity of a committed mistake should not increase or decrease based on your relationship with the person.I recollect this saying in tamil which translates to "If the mother-in-law breaks it, it is a mud pot. If the daughter-in-law breaks it, it is a golden pot."This is where ones needs to stand-up to be point-blank & straight.
No 19. Accept your mistake
People are bound to make mistakes & learn lessons out of them. It is anyday better to accept your mistake with a profound humble apology than actually finding excuses or a scapegoat or arguing over it. Every mistake you commit teaches you a wonderful new lesson for a life-time hence you need not be ashamed or feel guilty for it..instead learn & mature from it.
No 20.Dont let a 3rd person dictate your life
You & your spouse are the master / mistress of your life.Do not entertain any one else dicate .The other person may be your well-wisher or he/she may even be the fox but its your life & its solely in your hands to shape it the way you want it to be.
The list is actually never ending because with every new incident you encounter you learn a new lesson..Im sure I will come back with more newer guidelines & lessons sooner or later:)
No 1. It is better to remain quiet at times than to use unwise choice of words.
Im sure we all wished if life had a rewind button,we could go back in time..correct things & get back.unfortunately technology is yet to improve to that extent. The only way to solve this problem is to keep our big fat mouth shut & let things solve by itself or to open up when the heat has reduced.
No 2. Set your priorities right.
It is a blunt truth but we have to accept it.Once married your first priority & also your first point of contact for everything becomes your spouse.Your entire life revolves with the only goal of keeping him/her happy.Happiness is not about being happy its about making others happy is very apt atleast when it comes to your spouse.
But when situation demands you might have to juggle within your list of priorities but even then at the end of it make sure your spouse is happy with whatever you have decided.
No 3. Maintain your uniqueness.
Every individual is unique in their own way.We first need to identify,appreciate & celebrate our own uniqueness.Be proud of what you are.You may not be the best in everything but you will definitely be unique in certain aspects.Dont not give up your uniqueness.Command respect from it.
No 4. Learn to say NO .
This is a very tough one I agree,but if you can implement it life gets easier.You don’t have to get involved in unnecessary complications with just use the 1 simple 2 letter word . What matters the most here is the way you put it may use a trillion sentences to convey the message or just the 1 word but make sure the message is conveyed to the right person at the right time & at the right scenario.
No 5. Your family comes first.
However good,caring,helpful blah blue may be the people around you..always remember that your family comes first.Please your family before your please others.At the end of the day its your family who will care for you more than the others.If you have an issue it’s a topic to gossip for others but a true problem for your family.Hence whatever said & done your family is of utmost importance & value to you than any other.Its good to be selfish atleast when it comes to your family.Its a bitter truth which is accepted & followed by many but behind closed doors.
No 6.Accept people the way they are.
There is nothing in the world as a IDEAL.Everyone have their own shortcomings.We must learn to help people overcome their shortcomings & take things with a pinch of salt.Life is a less complicated when you begin to accept than to compromise.
No 7.Change is good ,provided its for a good cause.
Change is inevitable .If a change in you is going to bring about goodness in and around you then you jolly well change than looking for reasons.
No 8.You cannot please everyone around you.
There are no two people in this world who have the similar likes & dislikes.Hence you need not satisfy everyone around you.If there is something well within your means ..go ahead..else it is just not worth it.Instead please yourself & your spouse.
No 9.Give the devil its due.
Everyone has a certain tolerance level.If things go beyond it no human can bear it.This is when your spouse needs to understand it & stand by you.
No 10.Respect others views.
As much as you would expect one to respect your views you need to understand & respect theirs.You don’t have to impose yours on them nor should they impose theirs on you.Everyone has the right to express what they feel ,it is very subjective to an individual & no one has any right to moderate it.
No 11.Stay in touch.
The only force that binds people to keep in touch is gratitude.True that certain oppourtunitists get in touch with you only at times of need but time will speak one day for such people who would actually regret.
No 12 .Try not to overdo things.
This is a very useful lesson & the I owe this to my good old fren Pranky.Often newly wedded brides or groom overdo certain deeds to please their in laws but as time flies it gets too stressful for them to live upto that expectation .This is when the rift slowly begins finally landing you & your spouse with bitter feelings for the rest of your life.
No 13 .Speak up if there is displeasure
If there is something which is not very pleasant to either your ears or eyes ,it would best to make your spouse aware of it at the right time.It makes no sense keeping it within yourself & brooding which eventually will develop into a burst of anger causing a bitter feeling between you & your spouse.Here your spouse needs to trust you because you obviously cant capture things in a video & produce as an evidence like in the movies.
No 14.Respect ones privacy & space
If a person does not wish to disclose something it means they don’t want to its as simple as that.Let them live that way ,don’t try to dominate or pressure them to spill out…its totally unethical.
No 15.Avoid talking ill of one behind their back.
It is totally unpractical for anyone to like / love everyone.There may be few people who may not fit in your kind of tempo or you do not feel the positive vibes when that person is around, but that does not mean you go around talking ill about them or backbite or mock at them in their absence or hate them.It is better to avoid such people & discussions about them with just a smile.
No 16.Avoid discussing your family problems with anyone outside the family.
Most issues occur in a family when people discuss their problems with everyone under the sun except for the one around whom the issues reolves.Once married any issue that arises should be discussed & sorted out between them than running around for help/advice from their respective parents & friends. People can only give you suggestions but its you who is going to bear the consequences so it is best to discuss the problem amongst themselves & make sure no family issues go out of the 4 walls.As mentioned ealier an issue is a topic of gossip for everyone but it’s a true problem only for the family members.
No 17.Maintain your identity
You are what you are.You don’t have to be someone else to please another.Just be yourself & life would be more than just perfect.
No 18.Call a spade a spade
Sometimes the way you convey things matters but at the sametime beating around the bush just complicates matters.Its better to be upfrount,staright & frank in calling a spade a spade.The magnitude or the intensity of a committed mistake should not increase or decrease based on your relationship with the person.I recollect this saying in tamil which translates to "If the mother-in-law breaks it, it is a mud pot. If the daughter-in-law breaks it, it is a golden pot."This is where ones needs to stand-up to be point-blank & straight.
No 19. Accept your mistake
People are bound to make mistakes & learn lessons out of them. It is anyday better to accept your mistake with a profound humble apology than actually finding excuses or a scapegoat or arguing over it. Every mistake you commit teaches you a wonderful new lesson for a life-time hence you need not be ashamed or feel guilty for it..instead learn & mature from it.
No 20.Dont let a 3rd person dictate your life
You & your spouse are the master / mistress of your life.Do not entertain any one else dicate .The other person may be your well-wisher or he/she may even be the fox but its your life & its solely in your hands to shape it the way you want it to be.
The list is actually never ending because with every new incident you encounter you learn a new lesson..Im sure I will come back with more newer guidelines & lessons sooner or later:)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Beware of the fox around you!!
The world is dominated by teasers & cheeky people.They get to you to confuse you by using methods of meaness & by kindness.
Being mean to you in moment & suddenly changing roles & becoming nice they actually intensify your guilt feelings ,for being rude to them when they were mean to you.In that way you are made to beleive that you are wrong all along.And if you are an emotional person they wouldnt hesitate to even reveal their darkest of secrets to draw your symphathy..
But this is when you need a hard kick on your butt to realise that your in a corporate world surrounded by foxes.It is true that such people climb up the corporate ladder faster than the other sincere ones but the credit goes to their MBA..i mean the Master of Butter Application..
As the saying goes birds of the same feather flock together..I would alter it to say Donkeys with the same stupidity work togehter..If one does a mistake the other does a bigger one to coverup for the first one..
Some worthy guidelines to help one counteract with such foxes
1)If you are right,make sure you have the last laugh / word.
2)Save all email & chat conversations..even the most trivial of conversation may turn out to be your saving grace.
3)Do not hesitate to escalate if things get worse.
4)Avoid using "please" , "thankyou" , "hi" ,"regards" for such a foxes who are just not worth it.
5)Read your replies several times & make sure the evidence to prove yourself is 100% correct to snub the fox royally.
6)Do not commit or provide any specific deadlines..if you have to then let them be subjective or make sure that their are acheievable well within your means.
7)Do not overdo things.
8)Remember that at the end of the day she/he is just an animal in the wilderness & you have no guilt feelings for she/he deserves it.
9)Do not entertain phone calls or chats in personal messengers for they might try to use your kindness.
10)Always remember that she/he has exploited your goodness & they deserve nothing more than a royal cornering.
11)Never trust them ever again in the future for such people make very good double-edged swords & remember they are the wolf in sheep's clothing.
A human who does not have the attitude to gratitude is worse than a parasite!!!
Being mean to you in moment & suddenly changing roles & becoming nice they actually intensify your guilt feelings ,for being rude to them when they were mean to you.In that way you are made to beleive that you are wrong all along.And if you are an emotional person they wouldnt hesitate to even reveal their darkest of secrets to draw your symphathy..
But this is when you need a hard kick on your butt to realise that your in a corporate world surrounded by foxes.It is true that such people climb up the corporate ladder faster than the other sincere ones but the credit goes to their MBA..i mean the Master of Butter Application..
As the saying goes birds of the same feather flock together..I would alter it to say Donkeys with the same stupidity work togehter..If one does a mistake the other does a bigger one to coverup for the first one..
Some worthy guidelines to help one counteract with such foxes
1)If you are right,make sure you have the last laugh / word.
2)Save all email & chat conversations..even the most trivial of conversation may turn out to be your saving grace.
3)Do not hesitate to escalate if things get worse.
4)Avoid using "please" , "thankyou" , "hi" ,"regards" for such a foxes who are just not worth it.
5)Read your replies several times & make sure the evidence to prove yourself is 100% correct to snub the fox royally.
6)Do not commit or provide any specific deadlines..if you have to then let them be subjective or make sure that their are acheievable well within your means.
7)Do not overdo things.
8)Remember that at the end of the day she/he is just an animal in the wilderness & you have no guilt feelings for she/he deserves it.
9)Do not entertain phone calls or chats in personal messengers for they might try to use your kindness.
10)Always remember that she/he has exploited your goodness & they deserve nothing more than a royal cornering.
11)Never trust them ever again in the future for such people make very good double-edged swords & remember they are the wolf in sheep's clothing.
A human who does not have the attitude to gratitude is worse than a parasite!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
At work
Looks like Im offlate obessesed with blogging in respect to conversations..however here is one which I recollect at work...
X: Can you check this & mail it to me before 4pm
Y : Give me sometime
After a little while
x : Im still waiting
Y : Im busy will send it to you by 5pm
X : (For various reasons) No I cant wait till then please send it before 5pm
Y : (Loses temper ) Im not jobless here..I am doing a lot of work ..I have just 2 hands and Im not a ROBERT
X : (ROFL -rolling on the floor and laughing)... Its ROBOT my dear not ROBERT
Y : yeah whatever!!!
X: Can you check this & mail it to me before 4pm
Y : Give me sometime
After a little while
x : Im still waiting
Y : Im busy will send it to you by 5pm
X : (For various reasons) No I cant wait till then please send it before 5pm
Y : (Loses temper ) Im not jobless here..I am doing a lot of work ..I have just 2 hands and Im not a ROBERT
X : (ROFL -rolling on the floor and laughing)... Its ROBOT my dear not ROBERT
Y : yeah whatever!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Update to my previous post
So I come up with an update to my previous post
My husband finally comes to pick me & Im all sheepish and embarassed wondering how am I actually going to tackle the situation..& then our conversation begins
My Cell rings
Me: Tell me Sanju..shall I come to the gate?
San : Yeah come to the gate..
I was at the door while I see the car in frount of the door & not the gate...I was all thrilled & with a big smile got into the car..
San : Come in darling (with a sweet glint in his eye)
Me : Im sorry Sanju..I have embarassed you once again...
San : Its tell me what did you give me when you met me at the airport when I returned from US.
Me:hmmmmmm you mean **ss..
San:No ..Im talking about the moment you met me..
Me:hmmm my dad gave you a bear hug
San:Noo..Im talking about you
Me:hmmmmmmmm hmmmmmm
San: Think think...
Me: Ahhh I gave you a single red rose which had a long stalk...
San : Yeahh correct...(Hands me over a similar..more beautiful rose)
Me:Awww this is soooo cute of you....least expected..(It was only then I noticed that San was driving with just one hand ..holding the rose in the other)
San:Yeah...I felt bad for having scolded & grounded you....
Me:I told you Im sorry & my apology was very humble..
San:I stopped the car at this place & bought it all for you....
Me:Ohhh that soo sweet of you...
San:Yeahh you too careless & you need to work on it..
Me:Yeah..that because I depend on you for everything..
San:Noo that not good dear...
Me:WOW Im going to preserve this rose for a lifetime..........
Zoommmmmmmm off we speed off to our sweet home where the night turned out to be all the more special by Monica's (San's cousin sister) dance performance after a sumptous dinner or mutton biryani,prawns fry & fish curry......Im sure this dance performace of Moni is going to be a surprise to my dear BIL Praveen ..
@Praveen : Our next gettogether will be inaugrated with Moni's peformance followed by our usual Kuuthu hehehe :)
The day actually ended in a very memorable way.....& rose is in my cupboard where I keep my jewels...yeah its more precious than my jewels... :)
My husband finally comes to pick me & Im all sheepish and embarassed wondering how am I actually going to tackle the situation..& then our conversation begins
My Cell rings
Me: Tell me Sanju..shall I come to the gate?
San : Yeah come to the gate..
I was at the door while I see the car in frount of the door & not the gate...I was all thrilled & with a big smile got into the car..
San : Come in darling (with a sweet glint in his eye)
Me : Im sorry Sanju..I have embarassed you once again...
San : Its tell me what did you give me when you met me at the airport when I returned from US.
Me:hmmmmmm you mean **ss..
San:No ..Im talking about the moment you met me..
Me:hmmm my dad gave you a bear hug
San:Noo..Im talking about you
Me:hmmmmmmmm hmmmmmm
San: Think think...
Me: Ahhh I gave you a single red rose which had a long stalk...
San : Yeahh correct...(Hands me over a similar..more beautiful rose)
Me:Awww this is soooo cute of you....least expected..(It was only then I noticed that San was driving with just one hand ..holding the rose in the other)
San:Yeah...I felt bad for having scolded & grounded you....
Me:I told you Im sorry & my apology was very humble..
San:I stopped the car at this place & bought it all for you....
Me:Ohhh that soo sweet of you...
San:Yeahh you too careless & you need to work on it..
Me:Yeah..that because I depend on you for everything..
San:Noo that not good dear...
Me:WOW Im going to preserve this rose for a lifetime..........
Zoommmmmmmm off we speed off to our sweet home where the night turned out to be all the more special by Monica's (San's cousin sister) dance performance after a sumptous dinner or mutton biryani,prawns fry & fish curry......Im sure this dance performace of Moni is going to be a surprise to my dear BIL Praveen ..
@Praveen : Our next gettogether will be inaugrated with Moni's peformance followed by our usual Kuuthu hehehe :)
The day actually ended in a very memorable way.....& rose is in my cupboard where I keep my jewels...yeah its more precious than my jewels... :)
Mistakes do happen..but shouldnt I be learning from them??
Have you ever repeated a mistake ?? Especially when instructions are given to you like a parrot & you still commit the same mistake...Well Ive been a victim of this several times & trust me its the most embarassing situation..worst when it is something which involves your loved ones & emotions in it..Im into one right now ..repeating the same mistake in a timeframe of less than 48 hours & I dont know how Iam going to over come it..Well this day didnt end in a very pleasant way like it started atleast for this reason..There are a lot of uncertainities at work too & I hoping for the coming week to be more promising ..I still have a couple of more hours to call the day off..I just hope things get better once I reach home...My MIL has prepared prawns & I love sea as I hope the dinner going to make me feel better my painful wisdom tooth just reminded me of the awful pain Im going through now...
Will making a note of the mistakes repeated in the past & looking at it every morning help me...OR just a profound humble apology will...I dont know Im totally confused ....WORDS just dont help when it comes to emotions...
Update : My husband just called me & told me that he forgot his lunch box at work..I need to confirm from my MIL if he has done the same in the I dont have to repent for what I did today..hehehe..Atlast I see some light in this dark evening....Happy Weekend... :)
Will making a note of the mistakes repeated in the past & looking at it every morning help me...OR just a profound humble apology will...I dont know Im totally confused ....WORDS just dont help when it comes to emotions...
Update : My husband just called me & told me that he forgot his lunch box at work..I need to confirm from my MIL if he has done the same in the I dont have to repent for what I did today..hehehe..Atlast I see some light in this dark evening....Happy Weekend... :)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Some unforgettable moments on my anniversary
Location : Pattaya,Royal Orchard
Scene : San being the early bird he is gets up earlier than me & is almost done with his bath.I manage to open my eyes to see the time which is around 8.00am & decide to walk out of the bed.
San comes out of the bathroom ,all fresh & with a clean shaved & happy face..Hugs me & wishes me happy anniversary while I snuggle into this broad hairy chest just hoping he would say..its ok sleep for another 1hour..
San : I washed my hair today..
Me : Ohh!! did you use the shampoo that was here
San : Yes..its smells very good & I used the moisturiser too
Me : Ohh!! Wow no wonder your skin is actually glowing...
San : (All confused) skin...I shaved & just used the after shave...
Me : Then where did you use the moisturiser
San : For my hair obviously..
San : What what
Me : Moisuturiser is for the skin ..its conditioner for the hair..
San : (With all the sheepish look in the world) Ohh yaa I got confused...(Whining)
Me : ha ha ha ha ha ( A laughther of a life time)
Location : Coral Island,Pattaya
Scene : With my heart in my mouth everytime we changed boats till we reached the shore ,we got into the water to play...After sometime I decided to walk back to the shore to sit for a while in the shade..
San : Photo time sweetie!!!..go stand in the water I'll take some pics of you
Me : (With all Grins) yeahh go ahead
After about 5min I felt something irritating in my pocket..
Me : Oops my cellphone...
San : Shucks...give to me...God...i can actually squeeze the water out of the cellphone..looks like its dead
Me : (All whining)
San : Dont worry lets dry it in the sun for a while & see if it works.
We then had to sit down in the sun with my cellphone completely dismantled & dried it on my shoes..
San : Dont worry I'll buy you a new one when we go to Singapore..its just a few more days to go (cuddles me)..
Me : No..I dont want a new one..Im very emotionally attached to this brother's gift for my birthday..& how could I be so careless...(In tears)
San : (Gives a big bear hug)...We shall take it to any of the motorola workshop & try our best to fix it..if nothing works may have to use another phone...
Me : Ohhh..I just hope it works...(whining again)
San : Ok now you please dont tell this to your parents or your brother or else you brother will buy you another one by this coming birthday.
Me : hmm ok will not let anyone know..
Once we reached bangalore..I told my in laws about what had happened to my cellphone & Im now using my husband's older phone..My parents came home last night to see me & we showed them our photos once my in laws were done with showing thier Europe tour pics.
As we came to the snap which was taken at the Coral Island where the miserable thing happened to my FIL said "Ohh this is the place where your cell phone got spoilt." San & I were like Ohhh shucks….. Immediately my parents & bro were like "U dropped ur cellphone & lost it "..I felt embarassed & managed to say…the phone has fallen sick & needs to be treated its neither dead nor lost...
Common Conversations
Also here is something which is a very common scene when San I go to any restaurant to eat..San is extremely fast in whatever he does..& when it comes to eating he is ultra-fast.Many a times it turns out to be embarassing in marriage halls because my husband wipes out the banana leaf at the same speed at which the food is being served..leaving the person serving the food in total confusion ..but when the person notices me next to my husband with the entire menu on my leaf untouched with my talks going on & he would understand….
Scene : San & I order a meal & we are served at the sametime.I start talking from the time I see him & its still going on & on .Im not even 1% done with my food & San is actually waiting for the finger bowl.
San : Eat hurry take your time.
Me : (Grin with a spoonful of food in my mouth,chewing every atom by atom..relishing every bit & then finally a big swallow & a gulp of water).. Ok so u know today this dame XXXX is so stupid….blah blah blah..& you know what...
San : Eat Eat
Me : OK (another spoonful in mouth) & you know this lady….blah blah..blah..
San : ohhh..Eat Eat Eat (looks at the wall clock in this wrist)
Me : blah blah blah
San : Eat fast Shubu
Me :OK (2 more spoons in mouth..longer time to chew)….blah blah..blah
San:Asks the waiter for the bill
Me :blah blah blah
San : Are you going to finish it or shall I feed you…
Me : I think Im too full to eat now..
San : You talk more than what you eat…
Me:Yeah right you eat faster than I talk...
This is also one conversation in my family that I recollect quite often & have a good laugh..
Scene : My husband & I were having breakfast in the dining hall on a Sunday morning & my FIL was watching TV & MIL was in the Pooja Room or the loo not to sure where was at the time.
San : What's for lunch today Shubu?
Me : Fish
San :What fish?
Me : Pomfret
San : Which on black or white?
Me : I don’t know ask Maami..
San's Dad : Its Black
San : Why didn’t you buy the white one?
San's Dad : We have never bought the white one..we always buy the black one
San : No no I have seen Mummy prepare white pomfrets several times what are you talking Daddy..ask Mummy if you want
Me : Controlling my laughing as I was admiring the clash of their egos..
San : Maaa Maaa…Mama..Mama come Mama
San's Mom : What ??why are you screaming?
San : Maa havent we bought White pomfret in the past…Daddy is saying we always buy Black Pomfert ..
San's Mom : Yeah we have been buying only the Tender or Real Good Chicken for quite a few years now…
San & Me : (Looked at each other paused for a moment burst out laughing at like MAD)
San's Mom : Hey why are you guys laughing ..share the joke with me too…let me also have a laugh
Me : Nothing Maami….nothing….
San : Maa what are we talking & what are you replying….. ( continues laughing)
Location : Pattaya,Royal Orchard
Scene : San being the early bird he is gets up earlier than me & is almost done with his bath.I manage to open my eyes to see the time which is around 8.00am & decide to walk out of the bed.
San comes out of the bathroom ,all fresh & with a clean shaved & happy face..Hugs me & wishes me happy anniversary while I snuggle into this broad hairy chest just hoping he would say..its ok sleep for another 1hour..
San : I washed my hair today..
Me : Ohh!! did you use the shampoo that was here
San : Yes..its smells very good & I used the moisturiser too
Me : Ohh!! Wow no wonder your skin is actually glowing...
San : (All confused) skin...I shaved & just used the after shave...
Me : Then where did you use the moisturiser
San : For my hair obviously..
San : What what
Me : Moisuturiser is for the skin ..its conditioner for the hair..
San : (With all the sheepish look in the world) Ohh yaa I got confused...(Whining)
Me : ha ha ha ha ha ( A laughther of a life time)
Location : Coral Island,Pattaya
Scene : With my heart in my mouth everytime we changed boats till we reached the shore ,we got into the water to play...After sometime I decided to walk back to the shore to sit for a while in the shade..
San : Photo time sweetie!!!..go stand in the water I'll take some pics of you
Me : (With all Grins) yeahh go ahead
After about 5min I felt something irritating in my pocket..
Me : Oops my cellphone...
San : Shucks...give to me...God...i can actually squeeze the water out of the cellphone..looks like its dead
Me : (All whining)
San : Dont worry lets dry it in the sun for a while & see if it works.
We then had to sit down in the sun with my cellphone completely dismantled & dried it on my shoes..
San : Dont worry I'll buy you a new one when we go to Singapore..its just a few more days to go (cuddles me)..
Me : No..I dont want a new one..Im very emotionally attached to this brother's gift for my birthday..& how could I be so careless...(In tears)
San : (Gives a big bear hug)...We shall take it to any of the motorola workshop & try our best to fix it..if nothing works may have to use another phone...
Me : Ohhh..I just hope it works...(whining again)
San : Ok now you please dont tell this to your parents or your brother or else you brother will buy you another one by this coming birthday.
Me : hmm ok will not let anyone know..
Once we reached bangalore..I told my in laws about what had happened to my cellphone & Im now using my husband's older phone..My parents came home last night to see me & we showed them our photos once my in laws were done with showing thier Europe tour pics.
As we came to the snap which was taken at the Coral Island where the miserable thing happened to my FIL said "Ohh this is the place where your cell phone got spoilt." San & I were like Ohhh shucks….. Immediately my parents & bro were like "U dropped ur cellphone & lost it "..I felt embarassed & managed to say…the phone has fallen sick & needs to be treated its neither dead nor lost...
Common Conversations
Also here is something which is a very common scene when San I go to any restaurant to eat..San is extremely fast in whatever he does..& when it comes to eating he is ultra-fast.Many a times it turns out to be embarassing in marriage halls because my husband wipes out the banana leaf at the same speed at which the food is being served..leaving the person serving the food in total confusion ..but when the person notices me next to my husband with the entire menu on my leaf untouched with my talks going on & he would understand….
Scene : San & I order a meal & we are served at the sametime.I start talking from the time I see him & its still going on & on .Im not even 1% done with my food & San is actually waiting for the finger bowl.
San : Eat hurry take your time.
Me : (Grin with a spoonful of food in my mouth,chewing every atom by atom..relishing every bit & then finally a big swallow & a gulp of water).. Ok so u know today this dame XXXX is so stupid….blah blah blah..& you know what...
San : Eat Eat
Me : OK (another spoonful in mouth) & you know this lady….blah blah..blah..
San : ohhh..Eat Eat Eat (looks at the wall clock in this wrist)
Me : blah blah blah
San : Eat fast Shubu
Me :OK (2 more spoons in mouth..longer time to chew)….blah blah..blah
San:Asks the waiter for the bill
Me :blah blah blah
San : Are you going to finish it or shall I feed you…
Me : I think Im too full to eat now..
San : You talk more than what you eat…
Me:Yeah right you eat faster than I talk...
This is also one conversation in my family that I recollect quite often & have a good laugh..
Scene : My husband & I were having breakfast in the dining hall on a Sunday morning & my FIL was watching TV & MIL was in the Pooja Room or the loo not to sure where was at the time.
San : What's for lunch today Shubu?
Me : Fish
San :What fish?
Me : Pomfret
San : Which on black or white?
Me : I don’t know ask Maami..
San's Dad : Its Black
San : Why didn’t you buy the white one?
San's Dad : We have never bought the white one..we always buy the black one
San : No no I have seen Mummy prepare white pomfrets several times what are you talking Daddy..ask Mummy if you want
Me : Controlling my laughing as I was admiring the clash of their egos..
San : Maaa Maaa…Mama..Mama come Mama
San's Mom : What ??why are you screaming?
San : Maa havent we bought White pomfret in the past…Daddy is saying we always buy Black Pomfert ..
San's Mom : Yeah we have been buying only the Tender or Real Good Chicken for quite a few years now…
San & Me : (Looked at each other paused for a moment burst out laughing at like MAD)
San's Mom : Hey why are you guys laughing ..share the joke with me too…let me also have a laugh
Me : Nothing Maami….nothing….
San : Maa what are we talking & what are you replying….. ( continues laughing)
Monday, October 6, 2008
The pleasure of Dependency
Hey how do we do this?Is this the right way to do it?Oh please wait Im not sure I need to ask X
before I start..Well all these are some of the questions which is sweet music to a person who has
created a dependency.This reminds me of one of my collegue in my former employer who never shared her knowledge..her theory was simple I had a tough time to learn & all that I have gained is purely from my hardwork & how could you acquire the same with zero effort.This is one way by which people create dependency.The other way is "spoon feeding" people think they are making ones life easy by teaching them letter by letter or word by word.Thirdly people are not ready to give up their crown & throne to the next generation..
In most of the companies one of the performance metric is to have created a dependency which
actually implies to what extent people can count on you for help..this exists as long as you are
part of the project/company.But if you decide to move out either from the project/company it is
purely your duty to complete a sound knowledge transfer so that the next person who will be
replacing you has no qualms.But the problem here occurs when people want to leave the dependency impressions of themselves.They feel very proud when their ex-collegues call them up or mail them asking for help.Sometimes inevitably inspite of having delivered a sound KT help is seeked which is acceptable as long as the person who delivers KT does his/her job with no intention of having to create a dependency.Unfortunately not many think this it in a corporate world or domestically..people enjoy the feeling of having created a dependency.
A family is bond by values,emotions,culture & tradition.Emotional dependency is very much
acceptable since as humans we get emotionally insecure & weak many a times & all we look for is a helping hand and soothing words of comfort.But what about other dependencies which makes you handicap of certain vital skills.I recollect the saying which says "Practise makes a person perfect" but when you dont have an oppoutunity to even try where does practise comes,here
1)Your losing your skills
2)Your losing your confidence level on the domain
3)You feel it is tough
4)You no longer want to think about it
5)You lose interest
6)Finally you give it up
I also recollect a saying which says "Oppoutunity does not knock ones door". Yes I agree one needs to go out seeking for it.In a corporate world you could escalate this issue & probably a poor
performance in an evaluation done post the KT will itself show the quality of knowledge
transfer.But domestically it is different because here emotions comes into picture..and its not
like in the corporate world where your attributes are measured aganist numbers.One of my friend claims to be proud of the fact that her sister who is in US on a short visit calls her everyday just to memorise a receipe.She takes pride in having created the dependency
where her sister needs her help even if he has to make chapatis.Having known the fact that there will be situations in the future where she cant cook for her..she should have trained her on how to cook independently.Instead she cooked everyday & enjoyed the compliments of being called the best sister & cook & she was never satisfied with it.What she should have done or said is..Well my dear sister I have had enough compliments of being a good cook & I now resign from it & want you to pick up the skills from me so that you dont suffer in the future or blame me for having spoilt you.On questioning her as to why dint she teach her atleast some basics she said I would finish all the cooking much before she would even get up from her bed.When asked why she did that she said I wanted to finish up with all my cooking as early as possible & I didnt wanted to trouble anyone.I partially appreciate her for being considerate but now she has made her sister handicap in her culinery skills which is actually giving her a hard time.So inspite of being the best sister & cook she has failed in her duties.Fortunately she is an open-minded girl who accepted the fact that yes she did create a dependency & made up her mind that she would also teach her husband basics of cooking :)
I just hope people realise the fact that yes I have lived enough & earned enough pride for my
goodness in every aspect of my portfolio & now let me help others in earning the same.It is better if someone utilises the knowlegde than it being lying in dust after ones existence.Just imagine if all our teachers or lectures had the same idealogy ... if they had always spoon
fed us .. never let us code anything we would have been in soup by now...or imagine a lecturer
who asks you to code & much before you even decide on the logic he gives you a hardcopy of the
code & says see this is how you do it & worse if he intrudes when you type every single line &
says no no this not how you do it n this is how you do it...Im sure anyone would be like DAMNNN
you do the coding youself & rest in peace & probably you would also slam the door & walk out...As Im composing this ultra-long post I hear this guy in my neighbouring cubicle who is talking to his team member who is on a vacation asking her word by word, step by step of minute details of his work...I remember seeing her always spoon feeding him & she has never let him debug all by himself ever..Phewwwww!!!
before I start..Well all these are some of the questions which is sweet music to a person who has
created a dependency.This reminds me of one of my collegue in my former employer who never shared her knowledge..her theory was simple I had a tough time to learn & all that I have gained is purely from my hardwork & how could you acquire the same with zero effort.This is one way by which people create dependency.The other way is "spoon feeding" people think they are making ones life easy by teaching them letter by letter or word by word.Thirdly people are not ready to give up their crown & throne to the next generation..
In most of the companies one of the performance metric is to have created a dependency which
actually implies to what extent people can count on you for help..this exists as long as you are
part of the project/company.But if you decide to move out either from the project/company it is
purely your duty to complete a sound knowledge transfer so that the next person who will be
replacing you has no qualms.But the problem here occurs when people want to leave the dependency impressions of themselves.They feel very proud when their ex-collegues call them up or mail them asking for help.Sometimes inevitably inspite of having delivered a sound KT help is seeked which is acceptable as long as the person who delivers KT does his/her job with no intention of having to create a dependency.Unfortunately not many think this it in a corporate world or domestically..people enjoy the feeling of having created a dependency.
A family is bond by values,emotions,culture & tradition.Emotional dependency is very much
acceptable since as humans we get emotionally insecure & weak many a times & all we look for is a helping hand and soothing words of comfort.But what about other dependencies which makes you handicap of certain vital skills.I recollect the saying which says "Practise makes a person perfect" but when you dont have an oppoutunity to even try where does practise comes,here
1)Your losing your skills
2)Your losing your confidence level on the domain
3)You feel it is tough
4)You no longer want to think about it
5)You lose interest
6)Finally you give it up
I also recollect a saying which says "Oppoutunity does not knock ones door". Yes I agree one needs to go out seeking for it.In a corporate world you could escalate this issue & probably a poor
performance in an evaluation done post the KT will itself show the quality of knowledge
transfer.But domestically it is different because here emotions comes into picture..and its not
like in the corporate world where your attributes are measured aganist numbers.One of my friend claims to be proud of the fact that her sister who is in US on a short visit calls her everyday just to memorise a receipe.She takes pride in having created the dependency
where her sister needs her help even if he has to make chapatis.Having known the fact that there will be situations in the future where she cant cook for her..she should have trained her on how to cook independently.Instead she cooked everyday & enjoyed the compliments of being called the best sister & cook & she was never satisfied with it.What she should have done or said is..Well my dear sister I have had enough compliments of being a good cook & I now resign from it & want you to pick up the skills from me so that you dont suffer in the future or blame me for having spoilt you.On questioning her as to why dint she teach her atleast some basics she said I would finish all the cooking much before she would even get up from her bed.When asked why she did that she said I wanted to finish up with all my cooking as early as possible & I didnt wanted to trouble anyone.I partially appreciate her for being considerate but now she has made her sister handicap in her culinery skills which is actually giving her a hard time.So inspite of being the best sister & cook she has failed in her duties.Fortunately she is an open-minded girl who accepted the fact that yes she did create a dependency & made up her mind that she would also teach her husband basics of cooking :)
I just hope people realise the fact that yes I have lived enough & earned enough pride for my
goodness in every aspect of my portfolio & now let me help others in earning the same.It is better if someone utilises the knowlegde than it being lying in dust after ones existence.Just imagine if all our teachers or lectures had the same idealogy ... if they had always spoon
fed us .. never let us code anything we would have been in soup by now...or imagine a lecturer
who asks you to code & much before you even decide on the logic he gives you a hardcopy of the
code & says see this is how you do it & worse if he intrudes when you type every single line &
says no no this not how you do it n this is how you do it...Im sure anyone would be like DAMNNN
you do the coding youself & rest in peace & probably you would also slam the door & walk out...As Im composing this ultra-long post I hear this guy in my neighbouring cubicle who is talking to his team member who is on a vacation asking her word by word, step by step of minute details of his work...I remember seeing her always spoon feeding him & she has never let him debug all by himself ever..Phewwwww!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Ive done it finally!!!
Ive done it finally!!!
Ever since I started driving to work with or without my husband beside me Im extermely cautious.I had never caused any bruise or dent to neither our car nor anybody elses except one incident where I almost touched my neighbour's car but nothing really really happened and my car stood just about 1mm from the neighbour's car...Anyway it was just another day of me taking the car out of the portico & park it right in frount of the gate & say "Sanju lets go its already 9.30 I have to be at 10 for my meeting" Ohh yeah Sanju is now slack on time..didnt know the my laziness can be so contagious..or may be is it that he does most the work for me & it gets late for him now back to what happened that day..As usual I did my prayer before starting the car ,drove out of the portico but but but but God knows what made me think for a fraction of second that I took a complete right turn assuming I would be able to park it in an even better position.. .. result my car slightly touched the right side of the compound wall & leaving a long neat bruise...:( :(It doesnt look very evident though but yeahh noticeble & may be even the others too could notice it if they look with more intensity... My poor cute MIL was pacifying me saying all this is very common & there was nothing for me to feel bad..while my husband smiled at me & said there you go my child you've done it finally...This sentence of his took me to back to a week ago when my husband hit our Indigo Grand aganist the left side of our compound wall , not only causing a dent but also breaking the corners of the wall..About 2 days earlier than this incident of my husband's, my FIL got a bruise on the same Indigo Grand while driving very close to the road divider...I then told my husband "You drive for more than 15 years & your dad for more than 30 years & you guys still come back home with some dent in the car unlike me" .. I realised I casted eyes on my ownself :p ....And while I drove to work my husband said "Yeah we all make mistakes in judgement but that doesnt mean we are bad drivers"...hehe my husband now includes me in the list of good drivers after casuing a damage to the car...btw he rated me 8/10 for today's driving :)
Ever since I started driving to work with or without my husband beside me Im extermely cautious.I had never caused any bruise or dent to neither our car nor anybody elses except one incident where I almost touched my neighbour's car but nothing really really happened and my car stood just about 1mm from the neighbour's car...Anyway it was just another day of me taking the car out of the portico & park it right in frount of the gate & say "Sanju lets go its already 9.30 I have to be at 10 for my meeting" Ohh yeah Sanju is now slack on time..didnt know the my laziness can be so contagious..or may be is it that he does most the work for me & it gets late for him now back to what happened that day..As usual I did my prayer before starting the car ,drove out of the portico but but but but God knows what made me think for a fraction of second that I took a complete right turn assuming I would be able to park it in an even better position.. .. result my car slightly touched the right side of the compound wall & leaving a long neat bruise...:( :(It doesnt look very evident though but yeahh noticeble & may be even the others too could notice it if they look with more intensity... My poor cute MIL was pacifying me saying all this is very common & there was nothing for me to feel bad..while my husband smiled at me & said there you go my child you've done it finally...This sentence of his took me to back to a week ago when my husband hit our Indigo Grand aganist the left side of our compound wall , not only causing a dent but also breaking the corners of the wall..About 2 days earlier than this incident of my husband's, my FIL got a bruise on the same Indigo Grand while driving very close to the road divider...I then told my husband "You drive for more than 15 years & your dad for more than 30 years & you guys still come back home with some dent in the car unlike me" .. I realised I casted eyes on my ownself :p ....And while I drove to work my husband said "Yeah we all make mistakes in judgement but that doesnt mean we are bad drivers"...hehe my husband now includes me in the list of good drivers after casuing a damage to the car...btw he rated me 8/10 for today's driving :)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The actual ME!!
As I was drving to work this morning with my husband beside me.He asked me this question "How would you like it if we settle in US or be there for a while?" I said well in terms of savings not much as we are able to do the same here may be a lil more or less.But true it would be great to live in a place where the quality of life is good,traffic & lane discipline is awesome & ya if we plan to have kids in the near future we might as well make life easy for them if they want to pursue their higher studies in US.His next question would you take it having to manage the house all by yourself ,prepare breakfast,lunch, dinner ofcourse yaa with my help? I answered saying well it will be a learning curve for me & I would learn from my mistakes & mature eventually..he smiled to this & I knew he was reminded of how he struggles to get me out of the bed every morning..He finally asked this question to which I pretended to give a smart answer but latter emotions gave me a jolt eventually..How would you take it not being able to see yours & my parents ? I replied "Well we have to move on with life as we grow & yeah if the need be it we have to adapt" ..I thought my husband was impressed with how I looked at life & at things practically...I knew what I had answered was not from my heart...there was silence for a while & then he said "Do you remember the night in our honeymoon,you cried because you missed your you remember the day when my mother had been out of station & you hugged me & cried saying that your missing your mil" I was rendered speechless now ....I still remember my husabnd tried every possible way to keep me comfortable & happy in our honeymoon to switzerland ,he never refused anything I wanted to buy or to eat or he actually never said "NO" to anything..we were in the best place on the earth ,no work,no tension,no deadlines no nothing but I missed my parents..& I just couldnt stop crying though San tried all possible way to console me.I felt better only after I called home & spoke to my parents. I also remember this day when my MIL was leaving to Kancheepuram for about 4 days & we hugged each other before she left & we said miss you to each other & I cried as I walked into the house feeling a huge vaccum.I missed the glass of milk that she would keep for me every morning & night. I missed our conversations after work. I missed everything about her. I realised how emotionally dependent I was on my loved ones. It really made me weak....We reached my office by then as all those days just flashed across my eyes making it damp.I then turned to my husband as I stopped the car & told him "I hope you wont let me go through the same bad days again,will you?!!" for which he smiled as I moved out & he said bye, take care ,have a good day ,I love you & moved to the driver's seat.. leaving me repeat my everyday me when you reach office,drive slowly,love you too...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Caught between strings
Its close to my sleeping hours..I finally got sometime to peek into the outside world other than CDRs' & xml files & Oracle & Unix phewwww.San is on a conf call & Im waiting to tell him a bed-time story ;) comeone people..Im talking about my rants huh!!
2 more days left to go & we both are going to miss each other :( San has already started off with his tantrums like a child...Im stuck between 2 most important loved ones of my life. We would need to turn back time & replay our history.May be our cellphone bills would now increase.May be I would find San standing in frount of my house at 11.30pm as he did once giving me a surprise while we were still conversing over the phone & I walked to the balcony of my room assuming he lied that he was near my home...May be we might sit up all night chatting...May be we would meet at office during lunch..or may be we would pretend like we are going to work ,bunk office & freak out the entire day not knowing what to do...
2 more days to go & I need to pack my stuff to my mom's place ..damn Addi Maasam!!
2 more days left to go & we both are going to miss each other :( San has already started off with his tantrums like a child...Im stuck between 2 most important loved ones of my life. We would need to turn back time & replay our history.May be our cellphone bills would now increase.May be I would find San standing in frount of my house at 11.30pm as he did once giving me a surprise while we were still conversing over the phone & I walked to the balcony of my room assuming he lied that he was near my home...May be we might sit up all night chatting...May be we would meet at office during lunch..or may be we would pretend like we are going to work ,bunk office & freak out the entire day not knowing what to do...
2 more days to go & I need to pack my stuff to my mom's place ..damn Addi Maasam!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Life as it appears
Life is all full of unplanned surprises.We hope for certain things to happen our way but when reality hits us its very different.I have been married for the past 8 months now.Im quite sure that situations and circumstances would affect even the most practical of dreams but then again I have never been a practical person.As any other girl I dreamt of marrying a person who would help me to cook,clean the house,arrange my wardrobe,put clothes in the washing machine,encourage me to drive,give me a good morning kiss & hug ,a good night kiss & hug... , a shoulder for me to rest ,someone who can read my face & understand whats running on my mind,someone who can correct me when Im wrong without humiliating,who is humourous,organised & planned .....
I thought marriage was about spending hours chatting & talking or not,but being bound together by invisible strings of our love entwined to make us one.I thought it was about every call to each other ending with "I Love you" & "I Love you too".I thought marriage meant that every moment of our life we would spend together-if not physically but emotionally , so that even when far apart we could sense each other close by...
And luckily it has been much more than that...
Yesterday San & I spent the day at home.Not doing anything interesting in particular but just relaxing.After sleeping in until almost the middle of the day we had our brunch & it was fun as we dried the clothes out of the washing machine.Sometime around evening we decided to cook. An omlette burger to be precise.And while it was not the hardest of the things to make it was a lot of fun as we tried to overfeed each other ;) I recollect this incident when San was multitasking in preparing chapatis for lunch & dosa for breakfast while I returned from my bath just to see myself fall in love with him again...This also reminds me of the nights while I pretend to sleep when he is busy with work & enjoy his warm kiss & gentle hug while he slips himself slowly under the quilt Im in ,as he hopes that he doesnt disturb me hehehehe!!.We do steal a lot of moments while my inlaws are away from our visibilty & land up giving a sheepish look when they appear from no where..its all fun!!!
I remember this incident where San was sitting in the hall talking to some relatives & I was in the next room where no one could see me nor could I see them but for San.I kept passing flying kisses to San everytime he looked into the room for me which was like once every 2 seconds & he was trying every possible way to control himself..little did i expect to see my mil right behind husband noticed that & continued to smile as he nodded to the conversation leaving me feel embarassed to the core as my mil walked by smiling at me...
It happens everytime over dinner while San & I keep winking at each other assuming no one notices us & when my FIL pop-up with some question we look at him with a stupid smile..having realised he was talking to us all this while :D :D
I thought marriage was about spending hours chatting & talking or not,but being bound together by invisible strings of our love entwined to make us one.I thought it was about every call to each other ending with "I Love you" & "I Love you too".I thought marriage meant that every moment of our life we would spend together-if not physically but emotionally , so that even when far apart we could sense each other close by...
And luckily it has been much more than that...
Yesterday San & I spent the day at home.Not doing anything interesting in particular but just relaxing.After sleeping in until almost the middle of the day we had our brunch & it was fun as we dried the clothes out of the washing machine.Sometime around evening we decided to cook. An omlette burger to be precise.And while it was not the hardest of the things to make it was a lot of fun as we tried to overfeed each other ;) I recollect this incident when San was multitasking in preparing chapatis for lunch & dosa for breakfast while I returned from my bath just to see myself fall in love with him again...This also reminds me of the nights while I pretend to sleep when he is busy with work & enjoy his warm kiss & gentle hug while he slips himself slowly under the quilt Im in ,as he hopes that he doesnt disturb me hehehehe!!.We do steal a lot of moments while my inlaws are away from our visibilty & land up giving a sheepish look when they appear from no where..its all fun!!!
I remember this incident where San was sitting in the hall talking to some relatives & I was in the next room where no one could see me nor could I see them but for San.I kept passing flying kisses to San everytime he looked into the room for me which was like once every 2 seconds & he was trying every possible way to control himself..little did i expect to see my mil right behind husband noticed that & continued to smile as he nodded to the conversation leaving me feel embarassed to the core as my mil walked by smiling at me...
It happens everytime over dinner while San & I keep winking at each other assuming no one notices us & when my FIL pop-up with some question we look at him with a stupid smile..having realised he was talking to us all this while :D :D
Monday, July 7, 2008
Mother, the most sacred Word
Is always blissful to be heard
She is best & precious of God's creations
Who sacrifices all her temptations
Her love is so pure & fair
False in them are never there
Anytime ready for her life to bid
As she always wants the best for her kid
The unconditional love she showers
Gives us all the success & powers
Kids are her greatest treasure
Her love being beyond measure
Being a Super-woman in home-field
With all her tired day's emotions sealed
Her kids bright-future being her only ambition
She teaches them good values & tradition
The living goddess is she
Always in a caring & helping spree
Giving her a helping hand is a blessing
Which helps us to be forever progressing
The pain she bears for her kid's protection
As we salute her for her foresight & perfection
She being our teacher in disguise
Forgives our words & actions which are unwise
The debts we owe her are beyond infinity
For her love and affection so full of divinity
Bereft of words I am to describer her role
As I thank God for giving us such a soul!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Memories of July 2nd
It was the same day last year
As we stayed desperate to see each other
Though our souls were very near
You were miles away from me my dear
Two months of sleepless nights
With lonely battles having to fight!!
My eyes waited see the break of dawn light
As I prayed for your safe flight
As we four looked through heads
Me with a single red-rose held
Then appeared my man in a codroy brown clad
As his eyes searched for me with love,tears & glad
Lost for words and actions we were
While my dad gave you a hug like a bear
As our eyes couldn’t take off each others stare
It was a moment of treasure and rare
As I gave you the rose so fresh & delicate
Our cheeky smiles said today we date
While we headed towards the exit gate
You gifted me the purple elephant & I loved the trait
Least bothered of the jetlag you had
We roamed around the city like mad
Being happier than a newly grad
Funny we acted when we saw your dad
Today as we are happily & cheerfully wed
Our love & care for eachother is beyond said
As we thank God for the way he led
We pray to be angels of love spread!!
As we stayed desperate to see each other
Though our souls were very near
You were miles away from me my dear
Two months of sleepless nights
With lonely battles having to fight!!
My eyes waited see the break of dawn light
As I prayed for your safe flight
As we four looked through heads
Me with a single red-rose held
Then appeared my man in a codroy brown clad
As his eyes searched for me with love,tears & glad
Lost for words and actions we were
While my dad gave you a hug like a bear
As our eyes couldn’t take off each others stare
It was a moment of treasure and rare
As I gave you the rose so fresh & delicate
Our cheeky smiles said today we date
While we headed towards the exit gate
You gifted me the purple elephant & I loved the trait
Least bothered of the jetlag you had
We roamed around the city like mad
Being happier than a newly grad
Funny we acted when we saw your dad
Today as we are happily & cheerfully wed
Our love & care for eachother is beyond said
As we thank God for the way he led
We pray to be angels of love spread!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Well Im back!!Being swamped with work ..let alone not being able to join my friends to the cafeteria I dont even have the time to blog :p and by the time I get back home Iam about just ready to collapse.The reason behind this Ive been asked to travel to Dusseldorf,Germany for a long term of 1 year.Im refusing it as hard as possible.I had earlier declined when I was asked to travel for 3months now I really dont understand what made them think that I may travel for 12months.Hence I have to put in more efforts & try my best to finish my work before anyone points their finger at me saying "there thats why we asked u to travel to the EDS-Germany office where the Vodafone client sits & you could get your doubts clarified from them directly" duhh!!!Being relatively free today & also since we are nearing weekend I decided to pen down to my blog to give an update of my life...
Marriage:Im married for the past 7 months woo...I still feel I got married just a few hours ago..thanks to my San & the people around us to keep the fire & romance kicking ;)
Parents:My parents have bought home a new pup..looks very very cute & is extremely ferroucious...Well he is named the same as our older dog "Amruth".His gender is still a confusion in our family.My dad claims him to be a male & hubby & inlaws a female..looks like its a mystery unrevealed till he/she grows up...
Driving:Now coming to my driving skills..I have definately improved alot because I really dont care how people are on the road as Ive become immune to their uncultured traffic displine or rather Ive adapted myself to driving on bangalore roads manvouring in the midst of cattle,cyclists,dogs & every possible creature...My San finally calls the way I drive as **xy!!!OOOO!! Also he has promised to let me drive on the Highway as we leave to Kacheepuram with Praveen & Raji this weekend :) Driving an AT car is definately more comfortable than a manual one.Thanks to my San for having bought it all for me!!
Cooking:Looks like in my efforts to learn how to cook ,my husband has learnt the most out of it & to relish & appreciate the worst of culinery skills.I still struggle to cook a decent chapatis are in the shape of an undergarment!!Im half the time wondering if the salt is too less or more or just hope my husband says lets go out for dinner!!My inlaws may be travelling out of India sooner for around 15-20 days..a good time for Sanjeev & me to get back in shape by drinking water & fruit juices which will also save me from the guilt of having cooked a horrible meal :(
Shopping:This is a never-ending task even if I turn bankrupt :p Got gifts for my parents for their birthday this month..along with some shirts , t-shirts & salwars for myself. I still have quite a number of new sarees & salwars which I got post my wedding from the relatives we met.I also did road-side shopping at Malleshwaram with my friends had yummy pizza for 12 bucks..bought a very nice bed spread which was liked all in the family..I also plan to pick up some sarees at Kacheepuram this weekend..happy shopping to me again & forever!!
Mornings:The weather being chill in the mornings I struggle all the more to get up.The "5 more mins please sanju" has now become "10 more mins please da" and every night before the weekend which used to be " I'll get up at 8 tomorrow" is now "Dont wake me up or disturb me I'll get up myself".Im heading no where to reduce my laziness...or may be the exponential increase in my workload is causing this..whatever I just find all possible ways to justify my laziness!!
Workout:Yeah this is one thing Im doing religious for the past 1 week was all because of my friends at work who go for a daily walk or do yog & would talk about it over lunch .Being the lazy girl Iam all I would have is to talk about how early I slept & how I struggled to get up.This close to 30min of workout is actually making my MIL finish 3/4 of the cooking which leaves me feeling guilty as I go down & get to just keep her entertained talking & to chops coriander leaves for garnishing..
Status of my wardrobe:Worse than ever..I used to think I will change once I get married as my husband is highy organised,he arranges his clothes atleast once a week & they look as neat as in a newly inaugurated boutique.Mine just the opposite..I still have a shower of clothes falling on my head everytime I open my wardrobe.When I got married I thought the wardrobe was too big for me but now Im actually asking Sanjeev to shift his clothes to the older room where he slept when he was a bachelor...The only improvement is that I keep some set of clothes aside & iron them on every Sunday evenings which I can wear for the coming week.The idea behind is that I can save some time than to iron every morning ,but the saved time goes in me sleeping or day dreaming or hunting for my cell phone or the car keys at times!!!
That my an update of what's happening in my life in a nutshell :p
Marriage:Im married for the past 7 months woo...I still feel I got married just a few hours ago..thanks to my San & the people around us to keep the fire & romance kicking ;)
Parents:My parents have bought home a new pup..looks very very cute & is extremely ferroucious...Well he is named the same as our older dog "Amruth".His gender is still a confusion in our family.My dad claims him to be a male & hubby & inlaws a female..looks like its a mystery unrevealed till he/she grows up...
Driving:Now coming to my driving skills..I have definately improved alot because I really dont care how people are on the road as Ive become immune to their uncultured traffic displine or rather Ive adapted myself to driving on bangalore roads manvouring in the midst of cattle,cyclists,dogs & every possible creature...My San finally calls the way I drive as **xy!!!OOOO!! Also he has promised to let me drive on the Highway as we leave to Kacheepuram with Praveen & Raji this weekend :) Driving an AT car is definately more comfortable than a manual one.Thanks to my San for having bought it all for me!!
Cooking:Looks like in my efforts to learn how to cook ,my husband has learnt the most out of it & to relish & appreciate the worst of culinery skills.I still struggle to cook a decent chapatis are in the shape of an undergarment!!Im half the time wondering if the salt is too less or more or just hope my husband says lets go out for dinner!!My inlaws may be travelling out of India sooner for around 15-20 days..a good time for Sanjeev & me to get back in shape by drinking water & fruit juices which will also save me from the guilt of having cooked a horrible meal :(
Shopping:This is a never-ending task even if I turn bankrupt :p Got gifts for my parents for their birthday this month..along with some shirts , t-shirts & salwars for myself. I still have quite a number of new sarees & salwars which I got post my wedding from the relatives we met.I also did road-side shopping at Malleshwaram with my friends had yummy pizza for 12 bucks..bought a very nice bed spread which was liked all in the family..I also plan to pick up some sarees at Kacheepuram this weekend..happy shopping to me again & forever!!
Mornings:The weather being chill in the mornings I struggle all the more to get up.The "5 more mins please sanju" has now become "10 more mins please da" and every night before the weekend which used to be " I'll get up at 8 tomorrow" is now "Dont wake me up or disturb me I'll get up myself".Im heading no where to reduce my laziness...or may be the exponential increase in my workload is causing this..whatever I just find all possible ways to justify my laziness!!
Workout:Yeah this is one thing Im doing religious for the past 1 week was all because of my friends at work who go for a daily walk or do yog & would talk about it over lunch .Being the lazy girl Iam all I would have is to talk about how early I slept & how I struggled to get up.This close to 30min of workout is actually making my MIL finish 3/4 of the cooking which leaves me feeling guilty as I go down & get to just keep her entertained talking & to chops coriander leaves for garnishing..
Status of my wardrobe:Worse than ever..I used to think I will change once I get married as my husband is highy organised,he arranges his clothes atleast once a week & they look as neat as in a newly inaugurated boutique.Mine just the opposite..I still have a shower of clothes falling on my head everytime I open my wardrobe.When I got married I thought the wardrobe was too big for me but now Im actually asking Sanjeev to shift his clothes to the older room where he slept when he was a bachelor...The only improvement is that I keep some set of clothes aside & iron them on every Sunday evenings which I can wear for the coming week.The idea behind is that I can save some time than to iron every morning ,but the saved time goes in me sleeping or day dreaming or hunting for my cell phone or the car keys at times!!!
That my an update of what's happening in my life in a nutshell :p
Sunday, May 11, 2008
MIL's Birthday gift
57 years ago
Was an angel born with no ego
Being the epitome of perfection
Food is her last temptation
Mil is she not but a true mother
Which can be denied by none other
Encourages me while driving
While her inner soul keeps praying
Best mistress is she to any maid
Always ready to meet their aid
Carrys the patience of the entire world
With actions never being hurled
Curls in her lock are perfect
As the halo around her tries to reflect
Her sweet laughter reminds me of a baby
Being so perfect and graceful lady
Assets to her are immaterial
She being the queen of home-managerial
As we wish her the best of health
The respect she commands is her wealth
Was an angel born with no ego
Being the epitome of perfection
Food is her last temptation
Mil is she not but a true mother
Which can be denied by none other
Encourages me while driving
While her inner soul keeps praying
Best mistress is she to any maid
Always ready to meet their aid
Carrys the patience of the entire world
With actions never being hurled
Curls in her lock are perfect
As the halo around her tries to reflect
Her sweet laughter reminds me of a baby
Being so perfect and graceful lady
Assets to her are immaterial
She being the queen of home-managerial
As we wish her the best of health
The respect she commands is her wealth
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A Walk down Memory Lane
Tagged by Raji :)
What is the oldest / first memory you carry of:
Of your Mother: I have this very old picture of my mother where she is around 2yrs old.She looks extremely cute with her curly locks & a sleevless frock.I remember looking at her picture every morning scan every cell of her face on the picture & ask her why dont I look as beautiful as she is.She would smile back & answer me saying when I grow up & when I have a
daughter she would also ask the same question to me because for every daughter her mother is the most beautiful person on earth.
Of Crying:I guess was in my 2nd std or so & my brother was in 4th std.We studied in the same school.One evening after dinner my bro & I had a fight & I landed up giving my brother a deep cut near his eye.We were so scared that my brother covered his eye with his hand & we pretended to sleep.But having to bear an unbearbale pain he called out to my mom who was serving dinner to my dad.She saw my brother bleeding & called my dad who was shocked seeing blood all over his face n his eyes.My dad asked what happened & I confessed that I hurt him.My dad came close towards me to give me a hard wack where my brother with blood all over his face n palm came running towards my dad,held his hand said it was not her mistake but I triggered her.My parents then took him to the hostipal where his eye was bandaged completely & doctor had mentioned that my brother's eye was saved by just 3mm.when they came back from the clinic I was almost dead with guilt but just couldnot convey how miserable I felt.I cried a lot that entire night & I realised how much we loved each other inspite of all our silly fights.The next day to I went to school with a heavy heart & met my brother along with one of my friend during lunch break.When she asked him what happened to his eye,he lied saying he fell off the cot & hurt himself.He told a LIE, which I least expected as I thought he never loved me and was always jealous of me as I was better than him in academics. It was that moment I realised
me how much I meant to him.Broke down hugged him & cried a lot while my friend wondered why I ever got so emotional & that too in school.That was the day in my life I realised what sort of unwise actions & words we choose when we get angry & lose our temper.The
scar is yet visible on my brother's face & everytime I see the guilt kills me :`(
Of your Father: I was in my 3rd std when my grandfather(mom's father) expired.I had my final exams so I had to stay back with my dad n granny(father's mom).My mom had her own style of making us revise a day before our exams which my dad was not aware of.He spent all evening preparing me for my History paper the next day .It was a night when I missed everything about my mom like she telling me a bedtime story,putting me to sleep,polishing my shoes,combing my hair,feeding me n stuff.I asked my dad to take me to my grandfather's place to meet my mom,to which he refused saying you've got exams tomorrow so you better study.He also said that if i did well in tomorrow's history paper,he will take me immediately after the exam.To which I threatened my dad saying you dont take me to see mom now I will write all wrong answers in tomorrow "Fill in the Blank" section of the history paper.My dad knew I was capable enough to do so he asked me to get ready & I wore one of my most favourite jeans skirt & white shirt in which my mom adored me alot & we left to meet my mom.I met my mom gave her a big hug & narrated to her all that happened at school & at home with my dad.Finally I scored 100 in history ,thanks to my dad!!
Of School:My brother & I studied in the same Kindergarten.His classroom was just adjacent to mine.My cousin brother & my brother were classmates n benchmates too.Anytime my teacher would turn her back towards us to write something on the blackboard.I would run out of my class & get in to my brother's classroom & sit in between him & my cousin.My brother &
cousin would actually hide me from the teacher by asking me bend down under the table.We three would drink the fruit juice & eat the cream biscuits & chips that our moms' would pack for us.When my teacher would realise that Im missing she would come to my brother's class carry me in her arms with my head on her shoulders & would take me away.I would wave bye to my brother & cousin and say dont tell this to mom...lets meet again..But once I reach home the moment I would look at my mom would say it all & would get to hear a long advice..
Of a Fight: Ever since the incident that I narrated earlier about hurting my brother close to his eye I never fought with anyone.If ever I do its just verbal & hardly lasts for a few minutes & I compose myself & calm down.
Of a Lie you told:My parents brought me up saying telling a lie was the most sinful deed on earth.Hence I would never lie.I would either confess my mistake & ask for an apology or remain quiet.The 1st time I ever lied was when I was in my 3rd sem Engineering when I went out for shopping with my friend & her mom to buy a saree for my mom & a shirt for my dad.It was a
surprise gift that I wanted to give my parents for their wedding anniversary. I lied to my mom saying I would need to use up my pocket money to buy some salwars for myself at Malleshwaram where my friend was put up.I then returned back home with a
cotton saree & a shirt material for my dad.
Of a Vacation:As a child I hated travelling by any diesel vechiles as I would puke my guts out.My grandparents along with my uncles,aunts & cousins had planned for a trip to Pearl Valley at Anekal district.Right from when I boarded the bus till we reached home I puked so much that I had felt even the cerelac & my mother's milk that I had during my babyhood was all
out.Hence we hardly went out for any vacations that involved bus or a taxis.
Of Laughing:I studided Kannada for about 3yrs in school.Hence I was comfortable with the language only to the extent of reading the route number of the buses.My 1st day at my PU college a lecturer cracked a joke in Kannada & the entire class burst out laughing loud.Later my friend explained to me & I laughed out alone & the entire class wondered what took me so
long to understand a simple joke.It was embarassing for me though!!
Of a Class Mate:I was in 1st std & I joined school about 1 week after the others had joined.My 1st day at school I was asked to introduce myself.Post my introduction everyone kept staring at me & it was just one boy an Anglo-Indian named John who clapped for me & then the others followed.My teacher asked me to sit next to him.He was the shortest of the boys & I was
shortest of the girls.So we stood beside each other heading the girls & boys row respectively during our school assembly.He would join me and my brother for lunch & would fudge all answers from me during any class test.I would go home & complain to my mom every evening how badly he stinked when we were back from our PT class.
Of a Relative:My grandmom(mother's mom).She was an epitome of patience & perfection.She would fall sick quite often when I was young & many a times we would have to call a doctor home to give her some injections.Everytime the doctor would go near her to give her an injection i would hide my face behind any of my mamas'.Once the doctor would leave I would climb on top of the bed sit very close to my granny to see a drop of tear at the corner of her eye.I would wipe that tear off her eyes & I would say Paati one day I will become a doctor & give will you injection that will not have any needle & it will not give you any pain.She would smile back & pull me close to her chest & would pat me to sleep.
Of a Teacher:My nursery school teacher whose name is also Subashini.She used to ride a 2 wheeler & carried herself really well in her cotton sarees that she draped.Every afternoon when I return home I would tell my mom the colour saree she had draped & how she appreciated me or how she scolded me.I always imagined her taking me on her 2 wheeler making me sit behind
her & me struggling to reach my leg down to foot-rest.
Of your brother/sister:When my brother was a kid,he was extremely naughty & loved experimenting with electronic gadgets or stripping any toys given to him & assemble them back.Hence my parents always avoided giving him any new gadgets or toys to
play or have a watch on him whenever they give such stuff.So I would ask my parents to give me those gadgets to play & run to my brother ,give to him & ask him to play because it was very sad to see him deprived of playing such stuff which he loved to.
What is the oldest / first memory you carry of:
Of your Mother: I have this very old picture of my mother where she is around 2yrs old.She looks extremely cute with her curly locks & a sleevless frock.I remember looking at her picture every morning scan every cell of her face on the picture & ask her why dont I look as beautiful as she is.She would smile back & answer me saying when I grow up & when I have a
daughter she would also ask the same question to me because for every daughter her mother is the most beautiful person on earth.
Of Crying:I guess was in my 2nd std or so & my brother was in 4th std.We studied in the same school.One evening after dinner my bro & I had a fight & I landed up giving my brother a deep cut near his eye.We were so scared that my brother covered his eye with his hand & we pretended to sleep.But having to bear an unbearbale pain he called out to my mom who was serving dinner to my dad.She saw my brother bleeding & called my dad who was shocked seeing blood all over his face n his eyes.My dad asked what happened & I confessed that I hurt him.My dad came close towards me to give me a hard wack where my brother with blood all over his face n palm came running towards my dad,held his hand said it was not her mistake but I triggered her.My parents then took him to the hostipal where his eye was bandaged completely & doctor had mentioned that my brother's eye was saved by just 3mm.when they came back from the clinic I was almost dead with guilt but just couldnot convey how miserable I felt.I cried a lot that entire night & I realised how much we loved each other inspite of all our silly fights.The next day to I went to school with a heavy heart & met my brother along with one of my friend during lunch break.When she asked him what happened to his eye,he lied saying he fell off the cot & hurt himself.He told a LIE, which I least expected as I thought he never loved me and was always jealous of me as I was better than him in academics. It was that moment I realised
me how much I meant to him.Broke down hugged him & cried a lot while my friend wondered why I ever got so emotional & that too in school.That was the day in my life I realised what sort of unwise actions & words we choose when we get angry & lose our temper.The
scar is yet visible on my brother's face & everytime I see the guilt kills me :`(
Of your Father: I was in my 3rd std when my grandfather(mom's father) expired.I had my final exams so I had to stay back with my dad n granny(father's mom).My mom had her own style of making us revise a day before our exams which my dad was not aware of.He spent all evening preparing me for my History paper the next day .It was a night when I missed everything about my mom like she telling me a bedtime story,putting me to sleep,polishing my shoes,combing my hair,feeding me n stuff.I asked my dad to take me to my grandfather's place to meet my mom,to which he refused saying you've got exams tomorrow so you better study.He also said that if i did well in tomorrow's history paper,he will take me immediately after the exam.To which I threatened my dad saying you dont take me to see mom now I will write all wrong answers in tomorrow "Fill in the Blank" section of the history paper.My dad knew I was capable enough to do so he asked me to get ready & I wore one of my most favourite jeans skirt & white shirt in which my mom adored me alot & we left to meet my mom.I met my mom gave her a big hug & narrated to her all that happened at school & at home with my dad.Finally I scored 100 in history ,thanks to my dad!!
Of School:My brother & I studied in the same Kindergarten.His classroom was just adjacent to mine.My cousin brother & my brother were classmates n benchmates too.Anytime my teacher would turn her back towards us to write something on the blackboard.I would run out of my class & get in to my brother's classroom & sit in between him & my cousin.My brother &
cousin would actually hide me from the teacher by asking me bend down under the table.We three would drink the fruit juice & eat the cream biscuits & chips that our moms' would pack for us.When my teacher would realise that Im missing she would come to my brother's class carry me in her arms with my head on her shoulders & would take me away.I would wave bye to my brother & cousin and say dont tell this to mom...lets meet again..But once I reach home the moment I would look at my mom would say it all & would get to hear a long advice..
Of a Fight: Ever since the incident that I narrated earlier about hurting my brother close to his eye I never fought with anyone.If ever I do its just verbal & hardly lasts for a few minutes & I compose myself & calm down.
Of a Lie you told:My parents brought me up saying telling a lie was the most sinful deed on earth.Hence I would never lie.I would either confess my mistake & ask for an apology or remain quiet.The 1st time I ever lied was when I was in my 3rd sem Engineering when I went out for shopping with my friend & her mom to buy a saree for my mom & a shirt for my dad.It was a
surprise gift that I wanted to give my parents for their wedding anniversary. I lied to my mom saying I would need to use up my pocket money to buy some salwars for myself at Malleshwaram where my friend was put up.I then returned back home with a
cotton saree & a shirt material for my dad.
Of a Vacation:As a child I hated travelling by any diesel vechiles as I would puke my guts out.My grandparents along with my uncles,aunts & cousins had planned for a trip to Pearl Valley at Anekal district.Right from when I boarded the bus till we reached home I puked so much that I had felt even the cerelac & my mother's milk that I had during my babyhood was all
out.Hence we hardly went out for any vacations that involved bus or a taxis.
Of Laughing:I studided Kannada for about 3yrs in school.Hence I was comfortable with the language only to the extent of reading the route number of the buses.My 1st day at my PU college a lecturer cracked a joke in Kannada & the entire class burst out laughing loud.Later my friend explained to me & I laughed out alone & the entire class wondered what took me so
long to understand a simple joke.It was embarassing for me though!!
Of a Class Mate:I was in 1st std & I joined school about 1 week after the others had joined.My 1st day at school I was asked to introduce myself.Post my introduction everyone kept staring at me & it was just one boy an Anglo-Indian named John who clapped for me & then the others followed.My teacher asked me to sit next to him.He was the shortest of the boys & I was
shortest of the girls.So we stood beside each other heading the girls & boys row respectively during our school assembly.He would join me and my brother for lunch & would fudge all answers from me during any class test.I would go home & complain to my mom every evening how badly he stinked when we were back from our PT class.
Of a Relative:My grandmom(mother's mom).She was an epitome of patience & perfection.She would fall sick quite often when I was young & many a times we would have to call a doctor home to give her some injections.Everytime the doctor would go near her to give her an injection i would hide my face behind any of my mamas'.Once the doctor would leave I would climb on top of the bed sit very close to my granny to see a drop of tear at the corner of her eye.I would wipe that tear off her eyes & I would say Paati one day I will become a doctor & give will you injection that will not have any needle & it will not give you any pain.She would smile back & pull me close to her chest & would pat me to sleep.
Of a Teacher:My nursery school teacher whose name is also Subashini.She used to ride a 2 wheeler & carried herself really well in her cotton sarees that she draped.Every afternoon when I return home I would tell my mom the colour saree she had draped & how she appreciated me or how she scolded me.I always imagined her taking me on her 2 wheeler making me sit behind
her & me struggling to reach my leg down to foot-rest.
Of your brother/sister:When my brother was a kid,he was extremely naughty & loved experimenting with electronic gadgets or stripping any toys given to him & assemble them back.Hence my parents always avoided giving him any new gadgets or toys to
play or have a watch on him whenever they give such stuff.So I would ask my parents to give me those gadgets to play & run to my brother ,give to him & ask him to play because it was very sad to see him deprived of playing such stuff which he loved to.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I got tagged by Raji
Eight things I am passionate about:
1)My family- which includes my hubby,inlaws ,parents n brother
2)San's driving skills
3)San's way of putting me to sleep,waking me up,making me drink milk after I slept which I would have forgotten.
4)Sleeping on Saturday & Sunday afternoons- when I snore my guts out after a good meal
5)Eating Pizzas and chicken Wings- I just love them
6)Driving-I love driving but my biggest critic is my husband whom I have to admit whole-heartedly is the best of the best drivers I have seen till date.
7)Soft toys-I already have a huge collection in my room & yet wouldnt mind owning many more
8)Animated Movies-I just adore the very minute things which they portray with great humour..
Eight things I want to do before I die:
1)A Trip around the world with just my San & a long stay at Interlaken & Luzern-These 2 are the places we enjoyed the most during our Honeymoon
2)To Dine & Travel in a Cruise..go to the edge of the cruise & look at the fast moving water & the clear sky above & hide my face from the Sun on San's chest.
3)cook a decent meal for my parents & in-laws
4)Get a compliement that Im a good driver from my SAN (my biggest critic at driving)
5)Sleep for one full day & its night.
6)Learn a foreign language
7)Get back to my school & meet all my teachers.
8)Make sanju sing a Tamil song :)
Eight things I say often:
1)yeahh right
3)have a heart
5)5minutes please sanju..last 5minutes let me sleep please
6)i love u
7)bill ball bull
8)how rude!!
Eight books I have read recently:
1)The long road home
2)Da Vinci Code
3)Who moved my cheese
4)Harry Potter Series
5)The monk who sold his Ferrari
6)The Otherside of midnight
7)Tell me your dreams
8)Confidence for leaders
Eight songs I could listen to over and over:
1)Toxic-Britney Spears
2)Tumse hi-Jab We Met
3)In Lamhon Ke Daaman Mein-Jodha Akbar
4)Sexy Back-Justin Timberlake
5)Do you know-Entrique
6)Vellai Pookal-Kannathil Mutham Ittal
7)Laysa Laysa-Laysa Laysa
8)Nee Paadhi Naan Paadhi-Keladi Kannmani
Eight things that attract me to my friends:
Eight things I am passionate about:
1)My family- which includes my hubby,inlaws ,parents n brother
2)San's driving skills
3)San's way of putting me to sleep,waking me up,making me drink milk after I slept which I would have forgotten.
4)Sleeping on Saturday & Sunday afternoons- when I snore my guts out after a good meal
5)Eating Pizzas and chicken Wings- I just love them
6)Driving-I love driving but my biggest critic is my husband whom I have to admit whole-heartedly is the best of the best drivers I have seen till date.
7)Soft toys-I already have a huge collection in my room & yet wouldnt mind owning many more
8)Animated Movies-I just adore the very minute things which they portray with great humour..
Eight things I want to do before I die:
1)A Trip around the world with just my San & a long stay at Interlaken & Luzern-These 2 are the places we enjoyed the most during our Honeymoon
2)To Dine & Travel in a Cruise..go to the edge of the cruise & look at the fast moving water & the clear sky above & hide my face from the Sun on San's chest.
3)cook a decent meal for my parents & in-laws
4)Get a compliement that Im a good driver from my SAN (my biggest critic at driving)
5)Sleep for one full day & its night.
6)Learn a foreign language
7)Get back to my school & meet all my teachers.
8)Make sanju sing a Tamil song :)
Eight things I say often:
1)yeahh right
3)have a heart
5)5minutes please sanju..last 5minutes let me sleep please
6)i love u
7)bill ball bull
8)how rude!!
Eight books I have read recently:
1)The long road home
2)Da Vinci Code
3)Who moved my cheese
4)Harry Potter Series
5)The monk who sold his Ferrari
6)The Otherside of midnight
7)Tell me your dreams
8)Confidence for leaders
Eight songs I could listen to over and over:
1)Toxic-Britney Spears
2)Tumse hi-Jab We Met
3)In Lamhon Ke Daaman Mein-Jodha Akbar
4)Sexy Back-Justin Timberlake
5)Do you know-Entrique
6)Vellai Pookal-Kannathil Mutham Ittal
7)Laysa Laysa-Laysa Laysa
8)Nee Paadhi Naan Paadhi-Keladi Kannmani
Eight things that attract me to my friends:
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Birthday Poem
Today 30 my Sanju turns
With heart as tender & green as new fern
Thanks to my MIL & FIL
For his upbringing so perfect to kill
Being an arien, born on 29th March
He is as helpful as water when parch
Being the mature & caring dude he is
Makes our married life a beautiful bliss
San being the apple of my eye
Never fails a hug before a bye
Exhibits love in his unique style
which leaves me smitten forever & while
Loves & respects his best friends
Who are always true with no pretends
I pray for success in all his aspiration
As our love is infinity more than satisfaction
Here I wish my Sanju a very happy birth-day
To succeed in everyfield that display
With heart as tender & green as new fern
Thanks to my MIL & FIL
For his upbringing so perfect to kill
Being an arien, born on 29th March
He is as helpful as water when parch
Being the mature & caring dude he is
Makes our married life a beautiful bliss
San being the apple of my eye
Never fails a hug before a bye
Exhibits love in his unique style
which leaves me smitten forever & while
Loves & respects his best friends
Who are always true with no pretends
I pray for success in all his aspiration
As our love is infinity more than satisfaction
Here I wish my Sanju a very happy birth-day
To succeed in everyfield that display
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Valentine's Day
Eversince I started working I always celebrated my Valentine's day with my MOM.I would work on Jan 26th (Republic day) & would compensate by taking an off on Valentine's day.If my mom & I decide to go out we would do loads of shopping & if ever we decide to spend time at home I would cook something special for her of the very minimal culinery skills that I own.But this year was an extremely special valentine's day for a couple of reasons viz I was celebrating it with my hubby,for the first time I had pre-planned things , wanted to make this day the most memorable one,above all my hubby's friend Vijay made this Valentine's day the most unforgettable one for a life time.Though my hubby & I knew each other a year ago,we really had no name for our relationship.It was more sacred than friendship but neither of us were ready to commit before the approval from our parents.Above all my hubby being an idealist always endrosed & encouraged the idea of avoiding being captured in the eyes ofpeople who dont respect realtionship & who label a boy-girl relation as an "affair".Hence I celebrated my 2007 valentine's day with my Mom,though San was equally important to me as much as her ever since then.
This year I started my planning since 7th Feb when I came up with this poem as I was waiting for my FIL to pick me up.
Post a lot of brain squeezing I decided to do 2 things for the special day to give my hubby a big surprise.
1)Courier a greeting Card with my poem on it + a memorable gift to my hubby's office address.
2)Decorate our room with candles & rose petals
This was the 1st time that I had ever planned & was hoping to execute successfully..till my hubby's very good friend Vijay turned up from nowhere to gets me on my nerves even to this day.
My friends & I decided to spend our 8th Feb evening at Brew-Ha-Ha-Ha which is at Koramanagala, quite close to Forum & my hubby's office.I had the idea of getting San's & my pic on a coffee mug hence borrowed San's pen drive to copy some of our pics to it.Me being extermely lazy left San with absoulutely no clue of what I was upto.
However my BIL suggested me about the getting it done on a crystal frame he even took the pain of walking to Forum from his company just to ensure that there is a stall in Forum where they get the photo printed on a crystal frame.Hence on our way to Brew-Ha-Ha-Ha placed the order for our photo & chose an unique crystal frame which was the only model available.The guy said it would take 24hrs for our photo to be printed on the crystal & hence I could collect it the next day.But the next day being a Saturday I decided to collect it on Monday as I didnt wanted my hubby to get the slightest hint of my surprise to him.
Was back to work on Monday morning with all curiosity to sneak out wih my friend to Forum during lunch & to collect the gift.
My friend & I just boared the rick while San called me and said "Shubu I really love you & thanks a lot for the valentine's gift".I was totally dumbstruck & was fuming assuming the shopkeeper had placed my gift for display & it caught my hubby's eyes.Since I was really upset & didnt wanted San to know that I was on my way to Forum to collect it ,I pretended to be in the cafeteria & promised to call him back once Im back to my workstation.Once we reached Forum I was all set to blast the shopkeeper for being the culprit, little did I expect that it was my hubby's friend Vijay who was the actual he-devil.Having realised I was upset with my gift being revealed to the person to whom it was supposed to be surprise,my hubby kept calling me constantly to console me & finally narrated to me as to what exactly had happened.
San received a call from Vijay saying "Man I know what you are gonna gift your wife this valentine,I saw your pic in forum".San being all shocked trying to clarify what Vijay uttered , walked upto Forum & enquiring about this crystal frame & finally found my gift.
The funniest part was San arguging with the shopkeeper to buy it for which Ive already paid !!!
His silly friend had assumed that it was San's gift to me.
This turned me off bigtime wondering how could he just not think the otherway round or atleast asked San in a clever way like "What have you decided to gift your wife this valentine".Well I guess some guys really have very little ridges & grooves on their brain to think before they speak.
Hence one of my plans got screwed up royally!!Thank to Vijay again!! Here is the crystal frame
Oh yeahh this guy did apologise several times to San & suggested a silly idea to make up for it by asking San to take me for the Thrusday night premier of Jodha Akbar..I was least interested in this option while I still had my other plans to keep my Valentine's day live & kicking.
Fortunately I had no other he/she devils hampering my remaining plans & everything else went in a more than perfect way.For which I thank my MIL to the core who walked up every shop with me hunting for candles & a basket of roses.Above all she even helped me by preventing San from entering our room once I had done with the decorations.she was extermely cute in keeping a watch on San's every movement to ensure that atleast this suprise of mine goes well.
San was really thrilled & extremely happy for the way I had lit the room with just candle lights & rose petals all over. This is what I did

He even woke up my FIL who was in the middle of his sleep to have a look at our room & to appreciate my was a little embarassing for me though.However my surprise to San didnt end here ,the elephant-size greeting card which had my poem written on it reached his office the next day adding a bigger smile on my San.
After all I always beleived in being happy by making people around me happy.
As we returned home that evening I was very contended that my other plans worked out well making our day most memorable.
But just to complete the evening San gave me a bigger surprise & took my breathe away.He had bought me a real cub sized Simbha soft toy.It was as big as a calf with an extermely cute face & tail.No other gift would have made me happier than this soft toy.Here is Simbha
Our room already has almost all the animals of a jungle & Simbha had to complete the picture.
Apart from this our car had a weird smell that evening ,a smell which I loved the most but was unable to recollect.Post a couple of guesses I finally gave up & decided to pounce & open up the was chicken pizza & chicken wings YUMMYYYYY..I can eat any number of chicken pizzas & chicken wings at any point of time either day or midnight or evening anytime name it Im all set to hog them.I was more than thrilled & surprised & happy at San's thoughfulness to do something so unpredictable.Least did I expect a surprise like this from a person like san who is so known for his maturity & practicality.
San always exhibited his own style of doing things which always took my feet off the ground!!!
This year I started my planning since 7th Feb when I came up with this poem as I was waiting for my FIL to pick me up.
Post a lot of brain squeezing I decided to do 2 things for the special day to give my hubby a big surprise.
1)Courier a greeting Card with my poem on it + a memorable gift to my hubby's office address.
2)Decorate our room with candles & rose petals
This was the 1st time that I had ever planned & was hoping to execute successfully..till my hubby's very good friend Vijay turned up from nowhere to gets me on my nerves even to this day.
My friends & I decided to spend our 8th Feb evening at Brew-Ha-Ha-Ha which is at Koramanagala, quite close to Forum & my hubby's office.I had the idea of getting San's & my pic on a coffee mug hence borrowed San's pen drive to copy some of our pics to it.Me being extermely lazy left San with absoulutely no clue of what I was upto.
However my BIL suggested me about the getting it done on a crystal frame he even took the pain of walking to Forum from his company just to ensure that there is a stall in Forum where they get the photo printed on a crystal frame.Hence on our way to Brew-Ha-Ha-Ha placed the order for our photo & chose an unique crystal frame which was the only model available.The guy said it would take 24hrs for our photo to be printed on the crystal & hence I could collect it the next day.But the next day being a Saturday I decided to collect it on Monday as I didnt wanted my hubby to get the slightest hint of my surprise to him.
Was back to work on Monday morning with all curiosity to sneak out wih my friend to Forum during lunch & to collect the gift.
My friend & I just boared the rick while San called me and said "Shubu I really love you & thanks a lot for the valentine's gift".I was totally dumbstruck & was fuming assuming the shopkeeper had placed my gift for display & it caught my hubby's eyes.Since I was really upset & didnt wanted San to know that I was on my way to Forum to collect it ,I pretended to be in the cafeteria & promised to call him back once Im back to my workstation.Once we reached Forum I was all set to blast the shopkeeper for being the culprit, little did I expect that it was my hubby's friend Vijay who was the actual he-devil.Having realised I was upset with my gift being revealed to the person to whom it was supposed to be surprise,my hubby kept calling me constantly to console me & finally narrated to me as to what exactly had happened.
San received a call from Vijay saying "Man I know what you are gonna gift your wife this valentine,I saw your pic in forum".San being all shocked trying to clarify what Vijay uttered , walked upto Forum & enquiring about this crystal frame & finally found my gift.
The funniest part was San arguging with the shopkeeper to buy it for which Ive already paid !!!
His silly friend had assumed that it was San's gift to me.
This turned me off bigtime wondering how could he just not think the otherway round or atleast asked San in a clever way like "What have you decided to gift your wife this valentine".Well I guess some guys really have very little ridges & grooves on their brain to think before they speak.
Hence one of my plans got screwed up royally!!Thank to Vijay again!! Here is the crystal frame

Oh yeahh this guy did apologise several times to San & suggested a silly idea to make up for it by asking San to take me for the Thrusday night premier of Jodha Akbar..I was least interested in this option while I still had my other plans to keep my Valentine's day live & kicking.
Fortunately I had no other he/she devils hampering my remaining plans & everything else went in a more than perfect way.For which I thank my MIL to the core who walked up every shop with me hunting for candles & a basket of roses.Above all she even helped me by preventing San from entering our room once I had done with the decorations.she was extermely cute in keeping a watch on San's every movement to ensure that atleast this suprise of mine goes well.
San was really thrilled & extremely happy for the way I had lit the room with just candle lights & rose petals all over. This is what I did

He even woke up my FIL who was in the middle of his sleep to have a look at our room & to appreciate my was a little embarassing for me though.However my surprise to San didnt end here ,the elephant-size greeting card which had my poem written on it reached his office the next day adding a bigger smile on my San.
After all I always beleived in being happy by making people around me happy.
As we returned home that evening I was very contended that my other plans worked out well making our day most memorable.
But just to complete the evening San gave me a bigger surprise & took my breathe away.He had bought me a real cub sized Simbha soft toy.It was as big as a calf with an extermely cute face & tail.No other gift would have made me happier than this soft toy.Here is Simbha

Our room already has almost all the animals of a jungle & Simbha had to complete the picture.
Apart from this our car had a weird smell that evening ,a smell which I loved the most but was unable to recollect.Post a couple of guesses I finally gave up & decided to pounce & open up the was chicken pizza & chicken wings YUMMYYYYY..I can eat any number of chicken pizzas & chicken wings at any point of time either day or midnight or evening anytime name it Im all set to hog them.I was more than thrilled & surprised & happy at San's thoughfulness to do something so unpredictable.Least did I expect a surprise like this from a person like san who is so known for his maturity & practicality.
San always exhibited his own style of doing things which always took my feet off the ground!!!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Mood Swing
Wrote this a couple of days ago while I was not able to explain my hubby the reason for my mood swing!!!
sanju i love u
& feel our love is forever new
but irritated i am now
dont know its reason n how
what do i to overcome
for u know im dumb
feeling pissed and sick
& want to give someone a hard kick
hoping to take an off someday
n sleep like hen with eggs to lay
with no choice I now get back to work
to get trained by nithin who loves eating perk
sanju i love u
& feel our love is forever new
but irritated i am now
dont know its reason n how
what do i to overcome
for u know im dumb
feeling pissed and sick
& want to give someone a hard kick
hoping to take an off someday
n sleep like hen with eggs to lay
with no choice I now get back to work
to get trained by nithin who loves eating perk
Valentine's day Gift for my sweetoo :) :)
It started since 17th Jan 2007
When a cupid struck on me from heaven
Soaked was I head over heels in love
Which makes me feel blessed forever and now
Being wed to my sweetheart
Who stands by me no matter what
Today being Valentine's day
Have loads of wishes to say
But Bereft of words Iam
For my love who is sweeter than Jam
Thanks for accepting my love my dear San
As we remain close like teflon to pan
I hope this reaches you as a surprise
Leaving me in your thoughts to mesmerize
As our love grows with each day
I hope the traffic today gives us some way
To have a candle light dinner
As we celebrate our love like a winner……
When a cupid struck on me from heaven
Soaked was I head over heels in love
Which makes me feel blessed forever and now
Being wed to my sweetheart
Who stands by me no matter what
Today being Valentine's day
Have loads of wishes to say
But Bereft of words Iam
For my love who is sweeter than Jam
Thanks for accepting my love my dear San
As we remain close like teflon to pan
I hope this reaches you as a surprise
Leaving me in your thoughts to mesmerize
As our love grows with each day
I hope the traffic today gives us some way
To have a candle light dinner
As we celebrate our love like a winner……
Thursday, January 3, 2008
New Year Wishes
It was around the last day of 2007 where there were chains of mail being sent across wishing each other for new year..while I decided to wish my friends & well wishers in a little different way & sent out this mail...
Here comes 2008
Time for all to celebrate
With new dreams & rays of hope
We pray that you remain as stong as a rope
Aspiring for success in every field
As much as your efforts could yield
As we pray for all your hale & hearty health
And minds to remain void of stealth
Here Sanjeev & I wish you all
With no disturbance with a midnight call
A Very happy & prosperous New year ahead
As I resolve to compromise my sleeping hours on bed
Sanjeev & Subashini
Here comes 2008
Time for all to celebrate
With new dreams & rays of hope
We pray that you remain as stong as a rope
Aspiring for success in every field
As much as your efforts could yield
As we pray for all your hale & hearty health
And minds to remain void of stealth
Here Sanjeev & I wish you all
With no disturbance with a midnight call
A Very happy & prosperous New year ahead
As I resolve to compromise my sleeping hours on bed
Sanjeev & Subashini
My Birthday Celebration at work
I sent this mail out to the entire Vodafone team who made my Birthday a memorable one for a lifetime!!
Hi People
Thanks a lot for making my birthday memorable.It was very nice of you to plan things behind my back & execute it leaving me clueless of what was happening.
Thanks again for making my day.
Today 25 I turn
Thanks for your zeal like the act of churn
Having planned things in dark
Left my day with a memorable mark
The united we Vodfone team stay
Leaves us with zero dismay
Thanks for the black forest cake
Sweet Chariot being its make
Alas it was a great day
Which made me feel as light as hay
Subashini D
Hi People
Thanks a lot for making my birthday memorable.It was very nice of you to plan things behind my back & execute it leaving me clueless of what was happening.
Thanks again for making my day.
Today 25 I turn
Thanks for your zeal like the act of churn
Having planned things in dark
Left my day with a memorable mark
The united we Vodfone team stay
Leaves us with zero dismay
Thanks for the black forest cake
Sweet Chariot being its make
Alas it was a great day
Which made me feel as light as hay
Subashini D
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